Man Trump called 'my African American' leaving GOP over 'pro-white' agenda

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tony Stark, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    2017 Doug Jones and 2018 mid term black voter turn out gave me a pretty good idea :)
    #11     Sep 12, 2019
    Overnight likes this.
  2. Overnight


    OMG, there is someone still left in this world that is not afraid to type the idea of "black people".

    African American my ASS. As if Africa is the only continent that "dark-colored" people came from. WTF.
    #12     Sep 13, 2019
  3. smallfil


    Most blacks have been ignorant of the fact that it was the Democrats who enslaved blacks! A good number are still in the Democrat plantation for their votes. This guy is one of them! He was butt hurt that President Donald Trump criticized Elijah Cummings? The same Congressional Black Caucus who were quiet as Hillary Clinton called all blacks Super Predators? When blacks find out that it was the Democrats who denied them their rights, they are livid and those with a lick of common sense will just easily move to President Donald Trump side! More and more blacks are waking up to the truth and leaving the Democrat Party. That is going to matter when November 8, 2020 comes around! Not only is the Democrat Party losing black voters, they are also, going to vote for President Donald Trump!
    #13     Sep 14, 2019
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Most blacks know it was the party of southern confederate state whites who enslaved blacks.Thats why 90% of blacks vote against what ever party represents the confederate states.
    #14     Sep 14, 2019
  5. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    You must not have been paying attention to 2018 results if you think that.Not only did democrats get 90% of the black vote in 2018 they had higher turn out than any Obama mid term election helping Dems win The House with the most votes ever.More blacks in Alabama went out and voted for Doug Jones than they did Obama.While Hispanics are mostly the cause for Texas turning blue increased black voter turn out is also a reason Texas was 25 points for Bush and Kay Hutchinson and in 2018 it was only 2.5 points for Cruz.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
    #15     Sep 14, 2019