Man Tries to Break Into WARREN Buffett's Home

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by HedgefundTrader2, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. rickty


    I viewed this video in its entirety (it's not short) some time back. Well worth viewing. In it WB makes the claim that the only big difference bewteen a billionaire, like himself, and everyone is simply in the way we travel. He made the point that he eats the same food as everyone else. Well I, for one, when I reach billionaire status, will not be eating the same food as everyone else; and I certainly won't be drinking Coke (as WB was doing during his presentation). It's going to be Kobe beef, sashimi etc everyday.
    #21     Sep 6, 2007

  2. And that is exactly what makes him smart and will keep him rich. Most of the flashy rich out there aren't nearly as rich as they portray and do it for their egos. They feel that if they can convince everyone around them that they’re rich, then maybe they will be! You can’t tell who the richest of the rich are because they blend well into the public and often are even homeless looking and believe it or not, are even modest! WB shows up to events in his Buick, what could possibly be more refreshing than a billionaire in an old Buick?! :)
    #22     Sep 6, 2007

  3. Is this a beat up BUICK SKYLAR circa 1970s that he drives by himself? I bet this guy has a piggy jar drops his pennies before he goes to bed. He probably has the same umbrella he bought in 1979 and still folds it neatly in his hands. To me it all seems surreal that a man worth billions lives like dog house poor and like working class America hopping from paycheck to paychek.
    #23     Sep 6, 2007
  4. He lives how he wants to live... why would anyone care?
    #24     Sep 6, 2007
  5. He probably wanted to steal his quant models.
    #25     Sep 7, 2007
  6. Class.
    #26     Sep 7, 2007
  7. Bullsh!t - he flies on a private jet, FYI, he owns Netjets...don't see his ads in Forbes etc....
    Plus he owns a mansion in California
    #27     Sep 7, 2007
  8. You guys need to watch CNBC more. That show about him shows his house and everything. He drives a new Caddy DTS.
    #28     Sep 7, 2007
  9. The Joneses don't have any money. They owe everything and own nothing.
    #29     Sep 7, 2007
  10. One


    The article in Forbes is about houses for sale in the same neighborhoods as the Forbes richest:

    "Here is the list of homes for sale in places where the top Forbes Four Hundred Richest in America members live."

    According to the same article, Buffet's house in Omaha is appraised at $350K, though of course that does not speak to his other real estate holdings.
    #30     Sep 7, 2007