Man-made global warming propoganda has failed

Discussion in 'Politics' started by fhl, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. apparently, biodiversity is a bad thing. Or taxing and living fat off the gullible sheep is a good thing.

    probably the later is more true from the leftist's perspective
    #21     Nov 12, 2009
  2. i just have to mention this...

    dcraig, quotes Al Gore when chastising the "right-wing's" ability to critical think...

    this is the same Al Gore, who proclaims "it's kind of silly to debate", never takes questions (and when does, cuts off the microphone, after offering some idiotic, snide comment about polar bears), refuses to debate ... AND STANDS TO MAKE BILLIONS!

    Now, That Is Rich! No doubt this dude considers himself a champion of rational thought, as do most liberal-elitist-imbecilic- douche-bags.
    #22     Nov 12, 2009
  3. Gore stands to make billions and on top of that, he is a HUGE polluter himself. Of course liberals never have to live by the laws they pass.
    #23     Nov 13, 2009

  4. Those 'charts' are bullshit. Just do a search and you'll see the topic was discussed recently. Basically, they cherry picked a portion of the chart and are using bogus 'predicted' figures rather than reality. An EPA scientist from MIT wrote an internal memo stating that the facts didn't support the whole man-made global warming baloney - - so the higher ups supressed it. - - - The whole scam is about robbing everyone and controlling their every activity. - - - Now do your homework - if youre really interested in more than your own pre-formed conclusions & ideology.

    (Now just watch - - - some blind Dem follower will chime in attacking Fox rather than the facts of the story itself. There are many references to the supressed report - this is the first one that popped up in a quick web search.) I happen to be an independent, myself. I think the lawyer/liar/politicians in both parties are full of it. - - -
    #24     Nov 13, 2009
  5. Ricter


    You have two different arguments going. Global warming, and manmade warming. The charts show global warming, and while they may be invalid, the globe is in fact warming, ice is proof of that. Of course, since the time of the earth's formation, the globe has been cooling. But on an even longer scale, the sun will eventually incinerate us, aka global warming.

    But is the retreat of the ice manmade? *shrug* I advocate observation and prudence, after all, we already have one planet around with a runaway greenhouse effect going. But I also advocate prudent spending, if any is required. As for the "hopelessness" of man doing anything about it, I don't buy it. We have turned around the growth of the ozone hole with some rather simple prohibitions.
    #25     Nov 13, 2009
  6. If human caused global warming exists, then ALL counties and continents, including Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, China and India should comply RIGHT NOW. "Butt" that aint how it works. "They" want to have a "carbon exchange", and credits to poor countries, which means a form of global welfare. So more taxes, a carbon exchange run by the UN :eek: Etc, Etc. If it is so bad and dangerous EVERYONE must sacrifice.

    The Ever Ecological VIPER
    #26     Nov 13, 2009
  7. Good point.

    We are being told that this is not so much of a threat but a promise that we will destroy the planet if we don't cut back drastically on carbon emissions. Not slow the rate of growth mind you, but reduce to the levels of 10 years or more ago.

    China and India have refused to go along, most prominently, although there are many other developing countries that will not join in. Now either they are trying to blackmail us, they just don't give a damn or they are unconvinced by the "evidence" so far. I happen to think China and India have some pretty brilliant scientists. How could they not appreciate the threat? Are they right? Can the rest of the world ever hope to make a dent in the problem without their participation? Why should we have to buy them off if they are as threatened as we are?

    Inquiring minds want to know.
    #27     Nov 13, 2009
  8. maxpi


    List of Scientific Bodies that get their funding through leftist academia, see above...
    #28     Nov 13, 2009
  9. These are among the most respected scientific associations in the world. Your comment is utter nonsense and a tiny little bit of common sense would tell you that.

    Even the American Association of Petroleum Geologists which did dispute AGW retracted that position in 2007.
    #29     Nov 13, 2009
  10. Ricter


    They won't go along because they know the US reached its prominence by not adhering to such restraints, and they've stated as much. Their reasons are economic and political.

    China has a huge environmental movement underway. Dwarfs ours, but is at this time far more suppressed.
    #30     Nov 13, 2009