Making JH' SCT and all his material alive

Discussion in 'Journals' started by WchPl, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. tiddlywinks


    Here are the B-band EE's from the hand-written sheet.
    YOUR requirement for Ba is incomplete. As far as I am concerned, for me, the ID stands as Ba.

    I do not and will not get caught up in what I consider minutia. These things have to be recognized and MADA'd in real time, and I am not a perfectionist when it comes to trading, let alone one specific trade with not so frequent parameters. Perfectionism is not realistic imo, and is nothing I strive for. Learning new and updating existing knowledge occurs though mistakes and unknowns.

    I have seen too many JH practitioners go down the perfectionist rabbit hole, never to return. There are book smarts and there are street smarts. My money is made from being "street" smart... Whatever works for you is what works.

    #1311     Sep 22, 2019
    WchPl likes this.
  2. WchPl


    I sincerly appreciate your contribution and comments. Thanks a lot.
    Although I could not prevent myself from opening your post and read it and think about it, I wanna stick to "break afternoon today".
    Tomorrow, parallely to 14th and maybe 15th session of MADA, I'll be working on it.
    #1312     Sep 22, 2019
  3. WchPl


    I've come to a conclusion.

    First of all, I will not dwell on this too much as I've MADAs sessions to perform AND as you @tiddlywinks said, you don't wanna get caught up in what you call minutia/perfectionnism, and in what I call precision and no letting anything to chance. The following is for those seeing it like like I do AND for myself.

    Here is our case :
    real interesting case.png

    Firstly, I must say I still disagree with you when you say the (previously IDd as Ag and) now IDd P1revchron could be Ba being as :
    - in the B-Band sheet Ba is a Band pass
    - so its boundaries are P2 and T2P
    - the bar in question exceeds its boundaries.

    Admitting the T2P is correctly IDd, we have then T2P as the upper level and P2 (first one) as lower level. Quite weird but I think the boundaries remains the same, although inverted.
    Being as the bar that keeps me busy is out of the boundaries, I don't see any possibility of a Ba. If my T2P is correct, I see a P1 revchron.

    Now, this is my conclusion after deeper reflexion.
    The T1, at first, is a WAIT. It's only when the Lat4 triggering a retro that one goes back and measures it to get a T1. Same for first P2.
    I'm pretty sure about the next P2.
    Then when comes next bar, it is exceeding first P1 so I check for any A-Band HVBO EE. For me, none of them is possible at this moment of the sequence AND being as this bar is not exceeding prior P1, it must be a P2 repeat. I've already given my comprehension to explain why I don't see it logic to ID this third P2 a PP1a.
    Then 12:05 bar comes. It is again above leftmost P1. And here, this is what I see now :
    - we've had a WAIT along the line, before the retro made us measure it.
    - we have a bar (12:05) which
    - can be a Ab ? Of course no
    - can be a Ac ? No, we need Not PP1.
    - can be Ad ? No, we need two P1's not necessarily consecutive after P2 for that.
    - can be Ae ? No, we need two T1's for that
    - can be Af ? No, there is no Lat
    - can be Ag ? No, P2 < P1
    - can be Ah ? No, we're not on bar 78.

    Ok, A-band EEs are checked, except Aa. I'll be back on this after the following.

    - it can't be a B-band EE as T2P is not there yet.
    - then no need to check further Bands EE's.

    Then volume elements :
    - P1 ? No, cause a P1 may follow a P2 when it exceeds prior P1. It's not the case so no P1revchron
    - T1 ? No, it's killed after P2 onward
    - P2 ? No, it should be above prior P2
    - T2F ? No, we need T2P to be there.
    - so T2P ?

    The bar in question is between LAST P2 and T1. My comprehension currently leads me to think although it's not between FIRST P2 and T1, this bar can only be a T2P. Cause it's between P2 and T1. When yesterday I IDd T2P, it was because of the end of the road of "a thing is all it can be less what it is not". I had depleted all the possibilities from the VERS and the A-band EE's. No item fitted better than T2P.
    But today, that's what I see :

    - we've had a wait before Lat retro was triggered.
    - this bar is exceeding first P1 so it's HVBO BUT I had Dd no A-band EE suited the case.
    Then I thought about something :
    - let's say we have a virtual sequence : It begins by a P1 due to any EE assigning P1 on the same bar. Then we have another P1 and a rtl is established. We have a rtl and two P1's in a row. Let's say next bar has its volume below first P1 AND its close it outside of the rtl. What is this bar ? A BO,T1. All works as on this precise bar which is a natural T1, we have a BO ON a T1. Another example : we have P1 beginning a sequence. Then a T1 and a rtl can be drawn. We have all the pre-reqs for a BO,T1. Then next bar exceeds in volume prior one AND its close BO the rtl. This bar would be a P2 in the volume elements AND it would prevent from any BO,T1 further. BUT we consider the BO,T1 to be true in this case although the bar in question if it was established BEFORE, would have prevented from any BO,T1 possibility.
    Again, it's on the same bar that we have a condition preventing something to happen AND this thing happening. It's possible because of simultaneity.

    Thus :
    - on my T2P bar, because
    - we've had a wait along the line
    - we have a four bar context because 12:05 is T2P rather than anything from what I DDd

    I see now 12:05 as : Aa HVBO.

    NB : if this bar had been under leftmost P1 (remember in the present case it's above so it's HVBO), I would have seen a T2P "alone" so not leading FS AND I'd still see next bar as P1revchron.

    14th session coming soon
    #1313     Sep 23, 2019
  4. WchPl


    Road to expert drill : 14th MADA session - 26 EE's IDd

    MADA on 09/10/19

    PART 1

    MADA on 091019 part 1.png

    PART 2
    MADA on 091019 part 2.png

    PART 3
    MADA on 091019 part 3.png

    PART 4
    MADA on 091019 part 3.png

    PART 5

    MADA on 091019 part 5.png

    Debrief coming soon
    #1314     Sep 23, 2019
  5. WchPl


    Debrief of 14th Session of MADA on 09/10/19 - 25 EE's IDd

    One tick in volatility made me mistake an OB for a StR. No cascading effect.

    PART 4-5
    debriefed MADA on 091019 parts 4-5.png

    Note :
    MADA on 091019 part 5.png

    I am new to managing bar 78. It has only been a few since I try to understand how it works, what to apply to it etc. Here, we have on bar 77 a PP EE. So P1 will be assigned on next bar.
    Next bar makes appear a FS, so its takes precedence and the BMrev assigns P1 on this bar AND as far as I can understand the Ah concept, being as we're on bar 78 one must advance next peak. And if by doing so we have P2 with P1 replacing T1, then we have Ah EE assigning P1 on it due to the P1/P2 process.
    My DD has been that the BMrev takes precedence on the P1 that must be assigned on bar 78 due to prior PP! EE that is on bar 77. I guess it's a matter of OOE of the OOE here. I feel this BMrev must be logged, and being as on the same bar another process is applied after the BMrev, I divided the row log a bit like an OB treatment, and made appear like an "AND Ah". I don't know if this is correct. I did my best. Maybe the BMrev both takes precedence on the P1 assigned by prior PP! AND on the Ah. But I've tried to apply logic to this bar and I've DDd that being as BMrev, it's sure, takes precedence on P1ass due to prior PP! EE, happens and then the P1assigned by the same BMrev must be advanced towards P2, then we have Ah. So I've seen it like "firstly, BMrev, and THEN from this P1ass, Ah appears".
    I'll surely have to refine this sooner or later.

    15th session coming soon
    #1315     Sep 23, 2019
  6. WchPl


    Road to expert drill : 15th MADA session - 28 EE's IDd

    MADA on 09/11/19

    PART 1
    MADA on 091119 part 1.png

    PART 2
    MADA on 091119 part 2.png

    PART 3
    MADA on 091119 part 3.png

    PART 4
    MADA on 091119 part 4.png

    PART 5
    MADA on 091119 part 5.png

    Derbrief coming soon
    #1316     Sep 23, 2019
  7. WchPl


    Update : I now disagree with myself when I said the T2P would be Aa at the same time.
    Either did I enter uncounsciously into "real time mindset" OR into a mistake OR something else, when I said that.
    No matter what, when I take the definition of the Aa, it can only be a bar AFTER T2P hast appeared, not on the same bar.

    So, my current vision is how I've IDd the items on my debrief, which is : P1-P1-T1-P2-P2-P2-T2P-P1revchron.
    #1317     Sep 24, 2019
  8. WchPl


    Debrief on 15th session of MADA on 09/11/19 - 29 EE's IDd

    Except a BO,T1 that was simultaneously a BMrev that I had not labelled AND a typo that made me put BMrev on bar 78 instead of Ah (but I had put Ah on the log), I've not found anything that I could see differently.

    debrief on MADA 091119.png

    16th Session coming soon
    #1318     Sep 24, 2019
  9. WchPl


    And except the typo on bar 81 where, obvious, we're in a B Set Trend and not D. Blob is orange, not yellow.
    #1319     Sep 24, 2019
  10. WchPl


    Road to expert drill : 16th MADA session on 09/12/19 - 28 EE's IDd

    Never seen such a Lat

    PART 1
    MADA on 091219 part 1.png

    PART 2
    MADA on 091219 part 2.png

    PART 3
    MADA on 091219 part 3.png

    PART 4
    MADA on 091219 part 4.png

    PART 5
    MADA on 091219 part 5.png

    NB : update on my treatment of Bar 78. I feel like a FS on this bar could take precedence on a Ah. That's what I did here.

    Debrief coming soon
    #1320     Sep 24, 2019