Make trading great again.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Rationalize, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. Sig


  2. sle


    That people are lazy and deserve a beating. Simple, really.
  3. comagnum


    Classic Trump/GOP - a gift for the 1%ers to pillage & plunder the common people.
    * weakens the powers of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    * brokers no longer have to act in the best interest of their clients when providing investment advice about retirement
    * enables banksters to go back to the way things were in the good old sub-prime days - the common people will be taxed with bailing them out.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    Tony Stark and exGOPer like this.
  4. Hey
    This is a trading forum
    Dodd frank made it harder to get and keep a job as a trader in a bank
    For anyone here who aspires to work as a prop trader in a reputable organisation - rolling back frank dodd is a good thing.
    Baron likes this.
  5. speedo


    Dodd Frank?...twenty two thousand pages of regulatory content, it's a great deal for compliance lawyers.
    tommcginnis likes this.
  6. Volatility
  7. Oysteryx


    Dodd-Frank is toxic for both institutional and retail traders for numerous reasons. Unfortunately it will be a while until it gets repealed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2017
    Rationalize likes this.
  8. Governor


    I don't think that Dodd-Frank is the real problem. As long as the exchanges are in control by the banks trading will never be great again. There will always be a conflict of interest in that constellation. The real problem is to much liquiditiy in the markets which is generated by the HFT algos.
  9. d08


    No regulation sounds great for people who are unable to think about details and the hyper greedy.
    Trump will eventually eradicate some crucial environmental protection laws and all it takes is one chemical plant to start releasing contaminated fluids unfiltered into ground water. Then after a few years when birth defects and cancer rates skyrocket, he'll be out of office and the people are left to suffer on their own.
    #10     Jun 9, 2017