Majority of voters believe Obama has changed country for worse

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Same majority who believes Bush has changed it for the better..
    #31     Jul 9, 2012
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    +1.... Its funny cause after 8 years of that shit head bush basically going against everything that small government people stood for, conservatives had finally had enough, and they started holding people in their own party accountable for gravitating towards big government principles......

    So what is the response from liberals when conservatives turn on the biog government republicans?

    Conservatives, Tea partiers and everyone else who actually wants to restore the government to fiscal sanity is now branded as an extremist by the liberals......

    What is the response from liberals when Obama does the EXACT SAME THING as Bush? They think Obama is the greatest president ever..... its comical.... you could literally line up the policies of both Bush and Obama side by side, and there is really no discernible difference, yet liberals LOVE Obama, at the same time they get a visceral reaction at the mere mention of Bush's name.....
    #32     Jul 9, 2012
  3. Exactly! Hopey ran as this crusader against the "status quo". Anti-war, reform the banks, take on the corporate loopholes. It was all bullshit; the guy is just as bought and paid for by the lobbyists in finance, healthcare and defense as Dubya was.

    These leftist loons who post all the Hopey propoganda 24/7 are complete losers and hypocrites. They've completely bought into this nonsensical "left vs right" horseshit...

    There is no discernible difference as you said.
    #33     Jul 9, 2012
  4. BSAM


    However, Bush is pro life.
    Obama is okay with the murder of innocent babies.
    Otherwise, though, they are somewhat similar and yes, Bush is a shithead.
    #34     Jul 9, 2012
  5. Well the smart ones are dishonest manipulators and the stupid ones , well they're just democrats.
    #35     Jul 9, 2012
  6. How many lives were lost and monetary cost from the wars bush started ?

    How many lives were lost and monetary cost from the wars Obama started ?
    #36     Jul 9, 2012
  7. Max E.

    Max E.

    How many wars were ended based on Obama's own volition..... 0
    #37     Jul 9, 2012
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    Its funny cause i actually would have voted for Obama over Romney had he lived up to his first term hype.... He only would have had to do 5 things....

    1.)No Obamacare
    2.) Pull out of the wars
    3.) Prosecute the Criminals on Wallstreet
    4.) Dont renew the patriot act, and sure as fuck dont bring in the NDAA which is exponentially worse
    5.)Dont make Bush's disgusting deficit spending even worse.....

    Basically the only policy of Bush's that was good, "The Bush Tax Cuts" is the one that Obama is going after, even though he chose to renew them because his own goddamn economists have told him it would be highly contractionary to repeal them....

    As it stands whoever inherits this economy in 2013 is basically in an untenable position, the whole world is now broke, all of these tax cuts are set to expire, and Obamacare is set to screw businesses even worse...... to be quite honest i think the ship has already sailed, and neither Romney nor Obama can fix the shit storm that is brewing on the horizon in 2013 at this point....

    atleast if nothing else it will make for interesting trading.....
    #38     Jul 9, 2012
  9. Obama didn't invade 2 countries with 400,000 + troops at a cost of trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives

    Obama could have kept troops in Iraq if he wanted to.Romney said he would have kept troops there and Perry says he wants to re invade
    #39     Jul 10, 2012
  10. Max E.

    Max E.

    Bullshit, Obama wanted to stay, that has already been well documented, and the empty rhetoric from Romney and Perry is meaningless, we got our asses booted out of Iraq, and there would have been no way to save face and not be seen as opressors had we chosen to stay against the will of the newly formed government when they wanted us to leave.....

    You should be cheering for Bush for setting the date when they would kick us out..... instead you delude yourself into thinking it was a "bold decision" by Obama.

    We got our asses booted out of Iraq, end of story......
    #40     Jul 10, 2012