Madoff story smells funny...

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by W4rl0ck, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. tradersboredom

    tradersboredom Guest

    it is a big deal!

    wall street insiders or mutual funds don't want it to be a big deal.

    why do you think it's been under the radar for so long.

    it hurts everybody's 'business' when there is a rotten apple in the bag

    #21     Dec 15, 2008
  2. tradersboredom

    tradersboredom Guest

    the investors of madoff bogus fund were also potential investors of the stock market or cash on the sideline, well you know 50 billion of cash or liquidity just evaporated from the market in just three days.

    #22     Dec 15, 2008
  3. I really doubt that his family didn't know. I think hes taking the fall, since he is old, whats 20 years in jail he will probably die before that. He lived his life, and is 70. He's taking the fall, probably a lot of money disappeared into his familys holdings.
    #23     Dec 15, 2008
  4. Eventually my plan for a death penalty for this sort of crime will be enacted.

    But not before you idiots are wiped out.
    #25     Dec 15, 2008
  5. Hell it worked in China, steal and your executed. How many scams are coming from China close to none.
    #26     Dec 15, 2008
  6. bdiego


    Actually hundreds get executed, and there are tens of thousands of scams going on right now. The difference is it's all local or embezzlement. Won't make the news here.

    Like the SEC, they only catch less than 1%. For every execution, you have over a hundred that got away in China.
    #27     Dec 15, 2008
  7. cant believe this asshole got bail

    would be so easy for this guy to have assets stashed all over the place, with a very complex excape plan, full of alternatives 'ready to go' - 50 billion can pay for a lot of heads to be turned the other way at the right time

    he shouldnt have screwed other jews though, there goes his asylem in Israel, where a lot of these guys escape to
    #28     Dec 15, 2008
  8. Israel is a risky place to live.
    #29     Dec 15, 2008
  9. i bet this guy has identities and maintained 'sleeper' homes all over the world 'Mr Kaplan' like in Hitchcock's 'North by Northwest', or 'Randall Stevens' like in 'shawshank redemption'

    non existent people socked away all over the world, just waiting for him to assume their identity - it would be so easy to do, in areas with vacation homes where people dont stay year round

    get a little plastic surgury for that beak of his, and he's set

    i still say he really screwed himself screwing over other jews

    it's going to be a lot more awkward encountering jews in his hiding places, those who would have looked the other way are now out to get him - he's 'on the outs' with the tribe, he should have thought about how protective/vindictive they are
    #30     Dec 15, 2008