Mad Money Manipulation?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Arnie, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. john99


  2. These guys are experts of manipulation.
    #22     Mar 21, 2007
  3. the sick thing is, all these vids and his columns have been sent on a regular basis to the who's who of regulation. I mean, everybody.

    What does it take to blow it up? Murdoch wants to start a business channel, so he gets the lackey at his flagship daily tattle to talk about something that happened in December.

    The regulators of our markets are beyond lame. What an embarrassment. It is truly criminal, what they have allowed happen.
    #23     Mar 21, 2007
  4. now take what you have learned from this dynamic and apply it to other areas... and bingo.... lights start going off. big pharma... AMA.. FDA.... SEC you already know.... just pick ur favorite acronym. same M.O. across the board. don't stop there though... you still have the defense industry... the media (duh)... pretty soon it seems like everything. oh wait... thats crazy talk. LOL LOL LOL
    #24     Mar 21, 2007
  5. It would not surprise me if nepotistic insider horse trading of inside information and front running between hedge funds and trading firms costs investors over a trillion dollars per year. Our public equity markets in the U.S. are worth about 30 trillion.

    Think about that. Every time you get squeezed by market manipulation, and enter or exit a trade at the wrong time, not because it's irrational or the fundamentals don't support you, but at the wrong time because of what's going to happen to large orders of buy and sell orders - that's known by insiders are privy to this info ahead of time - you get robbed.

    They could at least give us a reacharound. It will never change as long as money and politics intersect at any level.
    #25     Mar 21, 2007
  6. On another recent interview Cramer even went so far as to say there is probably 100 funds that control the entire (stock) market.

    If money controls the media, then the media is the message, better to shoot the messenger.
    #26     Mar 21, 2007

  7. The media is controlled by the money, the money controls the government. The government controls the people. The people worship the media....
    #27     Mar 21, 2007
  8. Look, we want markets to be as fair as possible, so once in a while (usually after a bust when politicians get out their lynch mob gear) we pass laws to require players in the market to play fair.

    Most of these laws are great in the sense that they are good for the market's long term dynamism and good for "levelling the playing field".

    But let's not kid ourselves, the playing field will never be completely levelled. If we want to get down to the level of questioning whether every big buy or sell is manipulative we're going to strangle liquidity in the name of fairness. There will always be games people play in markets and the optimal level of manipulation is not zero, so lets be grown up about it.

    If in pursuit of eradicating every speck of manipulation we make life too difficult or expensive for people who want to trade our markets, the market will either dissappear or we will find US markets being made in London.

    Lest you think this is a fairy tale, this DID happen when deep liquidity in Japanese futures momentarily migrated from Osaka to Singapore. Authorities eventually came to their senses and corrective measures brought liquidity back onshore over the decades.
    #28     Mar 21, 2007
  9. Agreed.

    "But let's not kid ourselves, the playing field will never be completely levelled."

    I opine if a reg(s) is good for retail, the benefit for big money must be greater. If a (proposed) reg is great for retail but bad for big money, it'll never happen, hence the pundits advise a mutual fund for retail.
    #29     Mar 21, 2007
  10. There is a lot of people Mr. Cramer should be worried about other than the SEC. A lot of very powerful, quiet people. You don't screw with peoples money and get it away with it.
    #30     Mar 21, 2007