Lull them to sleep...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Optional, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. then tank the market....
    I think we close below 1100 in the SPOO today...well see...
    Short 10 ESZ from 1109.25
  2. Would be a miracle if this rally was sold, really doubt it. Good luck.
  3. yah, i would have to concur. stupid leveraged ETFs :eek:
  4. taking 3 off at 1107.25, moving stops...
    taking 4 off at 1106,
    and holding last 3 till 1101.75...
  5. Hang in and hang on.
  6. i'm trying :D
  7. I have no clue what's going on with this market. Gaps all over the place, low volume and no volatility. We are in the exact spot we were in pre Dubai news. If the Dubai news couldn't roil this market, what will?

    I thought we could start a bear market this fall but it looks like market will continue on up.

    Ok...that's my rant. I drive down the block and see places going under left and right but the market keeps cruising up.....sigh. When will reality of the economic situation set in.

    Tomoorow morning is jobsless claims and the govt will underreport again pushing this market higher premarket. GL shorts.
  8. Looks like it could be a good short. I do think we will press the highs of the year/resistance first and then see what kind of response we get.

    If we get a failed BO above resistance, then I do think we can then maybe auction at least back down to the 1080s. Lets see what happens...
  9. out at the end of the usual with me and the ES...
    1107 was my cover area
  10. what does your day's journal have to do with chit chat?
    #10     Dec 2, 2009