Ludwig Von Mises

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RCG Trader, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    This could be one of the dumbest statements i have ever read on elite trader. So if every country in the world is flooding the market with freshly printed dollars, the only way to keep prices the same is to print just as many U.S. dollars?

    Do you not see how ridiculous this statement is?
    #101     Oct 6, 2012
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Ah, QE asks, therefore it is. Dude, come back when your IQ passes 100, ok?

    Right, because in the conversation, it is only YOU who is allowed to use profanity or rude language.
    #102     Oct 6, 2012
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    You are wasting your time talking to tinfoil about economics. It isnt even a debate about right or left wing economics with him, he is so far beyond being incompetent that he doesnt even understand the simple principles like supply and demand. I remember back when Obamacare debate was happening and he actually said that Obamacare was going to reduce prices for surgery and other things simply by adding more people to the healthcare roles.

    Then yesterday he comes out with a statement saying that the U.S. needs to print more money to keep up with other countries just to make sure that prices remain the same.

    What is the point in debating someone, especially a know it all uppity ass hole like tinfoil, on a subject where their beliefs are actually the complete opposite of the simplest, well proven realities of economics? Talking to tinfoil about complex economic topics is about as useful as talking to someone who believes 2+2 = 5 about complex mathematics.
    #103     Oct 6, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    #104     Oct 6, 2012
  5. No, you ass. It's because I kept on saying the Fed was ineffectual, and you kept on insisting on bringing them up as if I was defending them. You were erecting strawmen. You were parroting your party line without thinking, while I was trying to actually debate you on Mises vs Keynes.
    Keynes, not Friedman.

    Now, for something from the FT:

    US defies threat of global recession

    The reason, of course, is that only the US resorted to the fiscal side, which is what Keynesianism is all about. Monetary action by itself has never worked and will never work.
    #105     Oct 8, 2012
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    You were advocating more debt through stimulus. Who is going to buy that debt? The Fed, of course. We're too far gone already. I'd restate everything I already said, but talking to you is like talking to an English as a Second Language student.
    #106     Oct 8, 2012