Lucias vs. Baggerlord

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Lucias, Sep 6, 2012.

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  1. Lucias


    Before I leave permenantly, I wanted to clarify something. Maverick made some fairly authority sounding statements which I believe to be completely false.

    I am not an authority on rules and regulations. However, I found this:

    In March 2000, the CFTC adopted CFTC Rule 4.14(a)(9) to create an exemption from the CEA's registration requirements for CTAs that provide standardized advice by means of media such as newsletters, pre-recorded telephone hotlines, Internet web sites, and non-customized computer software.

    More information

    Speaking with other trading system developers and CTA's, the common understanding is that a developer can sell a trading system provided that he doesn't offer any individualized advice. There is a whole class of such communication that falls under free speech which thankfully our constitution protects and ensures. In the same way, a trader can call out his trades in a trading room because it falls under free speech.

    What you can't do is offer customized/individualized recommendations based on a specific client's financial situation or account -- which I absolutely have never did and do not do. Please do not take the information I'm providing here as definitive or legal advice but it is my understanding and has been my understanding for several years.

    I do not manage/direct any non personal trading accounts, either. I have always operated with honesty and integrity and have always had disclaimers on my website informing my readers about the risks involved in trading. Thanks.
    #51     Sep 10, 2012
  2. KBaines


    Lucias, for once be a man and if you say you are leaving then leave. And please stay away for good. You are the biggest delusional head case who has ever graced these forums. Even ahead of Jack Hershey. Put me in baggerlord's camp, you never were and never will be a successful trader with real money on the line. Simulated and live trading doesn't cut it in the real world of real money with real money trading statements.

    You have been trying for ages here to raise money one way or the other because you have been an abject failure at making it in the real world of real money trading.
    #52     Sep 10, 2012
  3. Lucias


    If the admins don't delete your posts defaming me then I'm probably going to take legal action against you. I've been nice but you've been trying to defame me for over a year now. You really want to find out who I am.. I'm about to light a fire to your ass, boy.

    You want to talk about my record? I have statements. I have documentation. I can backup everything. I took my NADEX account to a peak 150% the balance. Real money. I approximately doubled my futures account. Real money. I told you knucklehead that I didn't want any trouble but you keep trying to harrass and defame me.

    You've been trying to harrass me for 2 years. You best stop trying to defame me.

    Baron, please show your members a bit of respect and delete Baggerlords" harrassing, spamming, and off-topic posts against me. I've never been disrespected on any other forum like here.

    After you do that, you can delete my account too because I won't be posting here again.
    #53     Sep 10, 2012
  4. Curtis, first of all, screw you. I won't be bullied by a punk like you. Now, lets clear some things up. You are accussing me of libel, not defamation. Get your facts man.

    2nd, you don't have a chance because the absolute best defense against a libel charge is truth, or something that would appear to be true to a reasonable person. I haven't made up ANYTHING.

    The only real money trading you have every posted figures on was in your journal in this thread

    In that thread you get up whatever amount it was 1.5 or 2x starting balance I really don't remember or care. Then you lose back all your profit taking stupid risk. You magically stop trading right at slightly plus or minus your starting balance.

    To any reasonable person that knows much about traders and trading, if someone is using way too much leverage, has a big upswing and a big downswing, they don't just stop. How about you post a yearly summary from that account over the last 2 years so we can see your net result? Prove me wrong.

    Your most recent claim is that you doubled a futures account. Awesome. Based on your past behaviour I don't believe you. Prove me wrong and post a statement.

    You have represented yourself as a highly successful trader. By any standard accepted by the trading industry you have been a failure, or more accurately a non-participant. You have invented your own standard of success to justify your claims. I am free to call you out all I want. You have absolutely no basis for a claim against me.

    I will stop calling you out when you stop making false claims. I kept my mouth shut on you the last few days until you started back up with the "best of the best" talk. Sorry punk, but if you make tall claims you have to back them up. If I tell you I am Santa Claus and you call me a liar, I can't just up and sue you. I've got to prove I'm the big man himself AND prove that it should be apparent to a reasonable person first.
    #54     Sep 10, 2012
  5. Respect has has something in common with financial backing. They both have to be EARNED. That is why you are not getting either of them right now. You don't deserve them.

    I really believe you are mentally ill. Here is something to think about. If I am making all this up, and my argument is based entirely on direct quotes from you, why isn't anyone backing you up? People can read what I have posted. It is apparently reasonable to everyone else but you because no one has come to your defense, not now and not the last time you stopped posting.

    And guess what. I can say I believe you are mentally ill in a public forum because I have freedom of speech and you have made enough statement for me to come to that conclusion based on professional criteria:

    DSM-IV-TR 301.81

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition, DSM IV-TR, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental disorders, defines narcissistic personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:[1]
    A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

    1.Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
    2.Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
    3.Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
    4.Requires excessive admiration
    5.Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
    6.Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
    7.Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
    8.Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
    9.Shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes.

    Thats not libel. A reasonable person could read your posts and see that you fit most of these criteria and are, therefore, most likely mentally ill.

    Its not libel me saying that you are a failure at trading because you by your own admission have failed to make real money at trading and failed to raise capital to back you. The new exception of course is your recent claim that you have double an account. I don't believe you and I am entitled to my opinion. Once again, free speech. I have never stated AS A FACT anything about you that is not true. Like it or not, people are allowed to have opinions.

    In case you didn't catch it the first time, screw you, you snake-oil selling sack of dog shit.
    #55     Sep 10, 2012
  6. Baron

    Baron ET Founder


    The way in which the original thread about one of our sponsors got derailed by the posts above is completely unacceptable. If you guys do this again, you'll be banned.

    I have no problem with you guys debating each other in a dedicated thread about such matters, but do not... do not.... fuck up legitimate threads with off-topic attacks on each other, especially threads that were originally started about our sponsors.
    #56     Sep 10, 2012
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