Lowest IQ state also the most conservative...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Race never came into my mind. Uneducated, stupid southerners who worship the confederacy who are conservative and oppose education, put the Bible as more important than education, pork rind eating, booger eatin, dumbass Dixie lovin, Nascar watching hillbillies were in my mind.

    Race came to your mind right away though...

    You lost the bet.

    #41     Feb 27, 2011
  2. Maverick74


    But you DID NOT SAY that. You made a sweeping generalization about the south in general and MS in particular. You did the very same thing you have been accusing conservatives for years on this forum. Making very broad black and white statements that you know cannot hold up to logic due to the binary structure of the statements you are making. At worst you are convicting yourself of ignorance and at best, a hypocrite.
    #42     Feb 27, 2011
  3. I didn't say anything. Go back to the OP.

    Your mind took that data and ran with it, right to race. Mine did not.

    You lost the bet, and you have now descended into ad hom attacks.

    #43     Feb 27, 2011
  4. Maverick74


    How can race not come to your mind when speaking about the most "racially divided state" in the country? That's like talking about the civil right movement and not talking about MS or Rosa Parks. Or talking about the subject of presidential assassinations and not talk about Jack Kennedy. Or to talk about neo nascism and not talk about the holocaust. Are you really this dense? Oy vey.
    #44     Feb 27, 2011
  5. Race did not come into my mind, you lost the bet.

    Race did come into your mind though...

    Very interesting Rorschach moment you are having...

    #45     Feb 27, 2011
  6. I'm rather proud of my Southern heritage, and I do believe you since I've encountered your kind before who think all Southerners are like you see depicted on TV..
    #46     Feb 27, 2011
  7. "I'm rather proud of my Southern heritage."

    No doubt, it shows.

    #47     Feb 27, 2011
  8. Maverick74


    Keeping saying it over and over like the talking dito heads on the left, it still won't make it so. Zzz, you could have picked any state, any state in the country to make your point about how "stupid people are" in red states. That was your point right? Did I get that wrong? Are we on the same page here?

    But of all the states you pick to demonstrate how "stupid" those people are indicative by the state's IQ score, you pick the state with not only the most number of blacks, but a state dominated by black politics and probably the most corrupt state in the country.

    And I'm suppose to assume you were referring to the "white conservatives" of the state? How was I suppose to "assume" that? On what basis? Even the most politically ignorant among us know that MS is the worst state in the country for education dominated by still all the black public schools and a corrupt state government.

    Why did you "specifically" pick this state? You could have picked Ohio, FL, Georgia, but you picked MS to make your point. You could have just left it at the south in general but you specifically point out MS and then question why I bring race into it the equation when it is by far the most racially divided state in the country both historically and to the present. How can one think about the shortcomings and problems of MS and not think about race. That's like me wanting to have a conversation about the problems in the middle east without bringing religion into the equation.
    #48     Feb 27, 2011
  9. Race did not come into my mind, you lost the bet.

    Race did come into your mind though...

    Very interesting Rorschach moment you are having...

    #49     Feb 27, 2011
  10. Maverick74


    I'm done here. I was under the impression you were capable of having an intelligent conversation. I was wrong. You simply want to parrot phrases over and over again. Go fight with someone else. Since that is all you are looking for.
    #50     Feb 27, 2011