Low-Volume Swing System Journal

Discussion in 'Journals' started by zorak, Mar 24, 2003.

  1. zorak


    Hi All,

    ***** HISTORY / OVERVIEW *****

    I'm starting a journal that will track one portion of a stock picking
    program I have, which I find myself unable to trade well enough to
    generate the kind of return that papertrading gets.

    The program follows thousands of stocks and ranks them by how well it
    thinks they'll do. For the past few years I've been using just the
    higher trading volume stocks and have been able to match papertrading
    results at a somewhat acceptable level, given my actual trading ability.
    What I would like to do is be able to trade the lower volume stocks,
    because the papertrading results from them has been outstanding...for
    2003, paper results are averaging close to 1% per position per day (not
    including commissions).

    My plan is to post the low volume picks generated by the program, as
    well as a skeletal system for trading them that I've been using in my
    trading of higher volume stocks. This will be a swing-trading
    system...positions will be held for an average of two days and
    occasionally a week or longer.

    ***** GOAL OF THIS JOURNAL *****

    My hope is that the papertrading results will be an incentive for others
    to come up with ways to successfully trade them. Many of you are
    probably quite skilled at trading in general, certainly more so than
    myself...it is, I think, possible that someone who knows what s/he is
    doing can match papertrading results.


    Each afternoon between 3:30 and 3:35 (EST), I will post a list in this

    Rank : LONG :::: Last ::::: SHORT ::: Last

    1 ::::: RCOT :::: 0.34 ::::: CGA ::::: 1.30
    2 ::::: POSO :::: 0.09 ::::: VDAT :::: 0.15
    3 ::::: DZTK :::: 1.90 ::::: TUTR :::: 4.90
    4 ::::: GSIC :::: 1.64 ::::: VTIV :::: 2.06
    5 ::::: CRO ::::: 0.17 ::::: CNQR :::: 4.85
    6 ::::: MTZ ::::: 1.42 ::::: SBAC :::: 0.77
    7 ::::: IMCO :::: 2.48 ::::: LMNX :::: 5.30
    8 ::::: PCOM :::: 0.10 ::::: EXEL :::: 6.60
    9 ::::: ADAT :::: 2.51 ::::: INSG :::: 0.27
    10 :::: SMDK :::: 0.30 :::: CNH ::::: 1.50
    11 :::: PDII :::: 8.29 :::: INTV :::: 1.73
    12 :::: ASPX :::: 0.09 :::: ADEX :::: 6.90
    13 :::: PRCM :::: 0.22 :::: GRA ::::: 2.31
    14 :::: PCSA :::: 0.18 :::: FORR ::: 14.35
    15 :::: FSII :::: 2.55 :::: ASTSF :::: 3.39
    16 :::: VION :::: 0.31 :::: NABI :::: 6.40
    17 :::: UAXS :::: 0.13 :::: NPRO :::: 0.63
    18 :::: SUPG :::: 2.50 :::: ANAD :::: 2.46
    19 :::: TMWD :::: 1.28 :::: TWTC :::: 3.53
    20 :::: ADTK :::: 0.25 :::: EMBT :::: 5.90


    The columns "LONG" and "SHORT" give the program's stock picks. The
    "Last" columns show the last price the stock traded at. They are ranked
    in order, so the long candidate the program thinks will do the best is

    These are the stocks that will be paper-traded...the above 20 LONG
    stocks and 20 SHORT stocks comprise that day's "Paperport" (Paper


    So, at the end of day1, the return of the paperport will be figured
    using these prices, as compared to the end-of-day prices (using 4:20 EST
    Yahoo quotes). Using the above list, if DZTK closed at 1.93, the return
    for the day, for that stock, would be +1.58%. Paperport return for the
    day will be the average of all the individual returns. The paperport's
    entry "strategy" will then be to simply buy equal $-amounts of each
    LONG, and short equal $-amounts of each SHORT.

    At the end of day2, the return of the paperport will be figured by using
    the closing prices for the positions on the new list (which is now the
    paperport's holdings), as well as those positions that were held on day1
    which don't appear on day2's list (the positions that paperport
    'closed'). Each successive day will follow this procedure. Thus, the
    paperport's exit "strategy" will be to exit any position which it holds
    that does not appear on the new day's list.

    At some point after market close each day, I'll then post that day's
    paperport return, and the overall return from the first day (today,
    which will start at 0%). The format of this report will be:


    In this example, the average gain in price of today's LONGs was 4.63%,
    and the average gain in price of today's SHORTs was 2.14%. But your
    profit on a short position is the negative of its gain in price, which
    is why the table reports an average SHORT profit of -2.14%. Finally,
    the NET is the average of the LONG and SHORT profits: 0.5 * (4.63% -

    ***** REAL-$ TRADING *****

    A person trading real-$ on this system would try to follow the same
    procedure the paperport does. The initial goal is to hold exactly those
    positions on the afternoon list. So on the first day a trader is in
    action, s/he would try to enter all positions, LONG and SHORT.

    The next day there would be another afternoon list. The trader would
    try to exit any position s/he is holding that does not appear on the new
    list, and enter any positions on the list that s/he doesn't hold.

    ***** NOTES *****

    Low share-price stocks can be cheaply traded on brokerages that charge
    a fixed commission per order (such as Ameritrade).

    I'm aware that some of the stocks on the SHORT list are not shortable
    on some brokerages. Some days the list will have mostly sub-$3
    stocks...other days most will be over $5. I'm also aware that
    shorting a $.13 stock probably isn't something most people are willing
    to do...but if you are inclined, IB will allow the shorting of any
    stock, regardless of price, that isn't on their non-shortable list

    A person trading real-$ might not have the option of replicating the
    paperport by holding all 20...but that person would have some other
    advantages over paperport. For example, paperport must hold the
    15th-20th best shorts...there is no reason a real-$ trader has to hold
    these (less desirable) positions. In my high-volume trading, I only
    enter a position if it is in the top10, where the best stocks reside.
    Another advantage would be execution...GSIC will be entered long by
    paperport at a price of $1.64. Perhaps a skilled trader could get a
    better price, or at the very least only choose to enter positions that
    are trading at a better price than listed in paperport.

    I think thats it...the first list will come out today.

  2. zorak


    I was just shown the code tags, so future tables won't
    have the annoying ":::" spacers.

  3. zorak,

    Would you care to comment on how the list is generated?
  4. zorak


    Sure...after the program does it's thing, the list is
    generated onto an excel sheet. ;)

    The program is pretty much a "black box". It only uses price
    data, so it's doing some kind of technical analysis. Discussion
    of such isn't something I want to get into at this point, but
    if there has been sufficient interest after awhile, the
    relevance might change.

  5. zorak


    Rank	LONG	Last	SHORT	Last
    1	EXBT	0.159999996	SBAC	1.28
    2	IONN	0.090000004	PCOM	0.14
    3	SOI	2.180000067	NVTL	1.22
    4	ONXS	0.870000005	TXBI	1.14
    5	GRA	1.830000043	TLGD	14.50
    6	SGNT	0.109999999	INTZ	0.25
    7	GGNS	1.850000024	ABTL	3.59
    8	VISG	4.170000076	MEH	1.48
    9	APWR	4.820000172	STAA	6.11
    10	RCOT	0.360000014	PRSW	0.22
    11	XXIA	5.010000229	DZTK	2.04
    12	TLCV	1.059999943	MCSI	0.38
    13	ASTM	0.270000011	PRCM	0.27
    14	AXTI	0.790000021	PTMK	6.93
    15	WAVX	0.800000012	SPWX	2.70
    16	ADAT	2.349999905	FTUS	3.75
    17	SABA	0.620000005	USPL	0.21
    18	FWC	1.110000014	CGO	0.81
    19	ASTSF	3.089999914	OPTK	1.40
    20	DATC	1.399999976	MTEX	2.90
  6. zorak


    3/24	1.20%	0.92%	1.06%
    Overall	1.20%	0.92%	1.06%
    (Formatting for tomorrow's list will be better)

  7. zorak


    Rank	LONG	Last	SHORT	Last
    1	CLCI	0.15	TXBI	1.24
    2	GRA	1.63	MTZ	1.98
    3	EXBT	0.15	DZTK	2.21
    4	IMCO	2.40	ABTL	3.90
    5	IRSN	1.04	ATCO	3.69
    6	APWR	4.60	WSTL	4.28
    7	EASY	0.52	POSO	0.12
    8	ADAT	2.23	OPTK	1.50
    9	SOI	2.13	MTIC	0.93
    10	CGA	1.11	GILTF	0.27
    11	BPUR	2.50	DGIT	2.55
    12	CCRT	6.40	MEH	1.58
    13	AXTI	0.78	SCAI	4.60
    14	ADEX	5.82	GENE	1.53
    15	WORK	2.58	JMAR	0.97
    16	MBAY	0.81	ANCC	0.50
    17	SFN	4.04	XICO	4.61
    18	TXCC	0.53	MDRX	2.71
    19	CMTO	0.11	NVTL	1.22
    20	MROI	8.35	DSLN	0.45
    		Time:	3/25/03 3:31 PM	
  8. zorak


    3/25	-0.12%	-0.24%	-0.18%
    Total	1.07%	0.68%	0.88%
    I'll also start attaching the worksheet showing
    each individual return for the day's paperport.

  9. Zorak,

    In reality I doubt your system.

    First of all.. since you are making these tiny little gains.. they will surely be offset by commisions.. and the wide slippage the thin stocks carry.

    You have to take that in consideration.

  10. with profits that small, you will need a tremendous number of wins and hope that you never have a large loss. Kind of walking on thin ice. But more power to you for making a system of your own.
    #10     Mar 25, 2003