Low-Carb Diet Can Cure Type-2 Diabetes

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Okay. And just to put a finer point on it, how about I retract "essential" and replace it with "important?" You may still not agree, but we will at least have bridged the gap a bit.
    #11     Feb 21, 2018
  2. Already in your previous post you clarified that you consider carbs "essential for your diet". Whether you consider them "essential for your diet" or "important for your diet" is something I have no opinion about.

    I have experimented in the past with periods of high carbs, periods of very low carbs, and carb levels in between. I have experienced both the benefits and disadvantages during these experiments of both high and low carbs. Of course, the low carb experiment resulted in me losing weight. But also in the realisation that I don't want to do that for periods exceeding a couple of months. So I have gradually added some carbs back in my eating habits to a point where it keeps my weight in balance. I call it an eating habit instead of a diet as this is intended for the long run, not for a limited period of time (diets are often considered temporarily).
    #12     Feb 21, 2018
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  3. Carbs are not essential in that if you remove them from your body you can still function. If you remove protein or fats you will have serious health issues and even death. Our society though thinks they cannot live without bread and grains because they were brainwashed to think so by the USDA when they made fat the culprit. But triglycerides, which are fats in your blood, come from excessive glucose. Type 2 diabetes is caused by too much glucose (carbs).

    HOWEVER, when we talk about restricted carb diet we are not necessarily talking a Ketogenic diet. Carbs still include fruits and vegetables. If you are type 2 diabetes though and just cannot say no to grains and sugars well then you just have to deal with the horrible degeneration that occurs in nerve endings with diabetes and the fact you caused yourself to get a disease. It is easy for someone to say they cannot live without their bread and pasta but when you have Type -2 it is pretty easy to choose life over bagels.

    All the symptoms described when you drastically cut carbs go away after your body adapts so obviously they are not permanent, just part of the process. But again I am not saying go to a 0 net carb diet.

    You can live without grains and sugars. All the nutrients and minerals found in flour and other grain based products are added in anyweayand you will be healthier getting them from vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds anyway.

    The problem with the statement "low-carb" is people always take it to the extreme but fruits and vegetables have healthy carbs. But we don't need breads, pastas, cookies, sugar drinks, etc. We just choose to indulge and live with the consequences :).
    #13     Feb 21, 2018
    hipster ned, DTB2 and Buy1Sell2 like this.
  4. Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
    #14     Feb 22, 2018
    Visaria likes this.
  5. Visaria


    It's not really carbs that are the cause of diabetes. It's visceral fat deposits in the pancreas and probably liver. If you lose the visceral fat, you lose the diabetes. So if you went on a calories controlled diet which meant you lost that fat, you would free yourselve from diabetes...it could be a high carb diet or a low one, doesnt matter.
    #15     Feb 22, 2018
  6. Visaria


    Btw fibre is essential for your diet (try not having any for a few days!). Fibre is carbohydrate.
    #16     Feb 22, 2018
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  7. Big AAPL

    Big AAPL

    I am a fat fuck. I used to be in great shape, much like our exalted leader Baron. I am on the third week of no carbs, simply because my son is getting married at the end of March, and I don't want to look like a seal healing on the beach after a shark attack. I can tell you this. At the age of 57 it is a lot harder than the age of 37. 3 weeks into it and I have lost almost 10 lbs. Never been diagnosed with diabetes, although it seems like all my friends have been. In all fairness, I have been working out for over 30 years...but being the family cook puts the pounds on no matter what you do. Once my weight gets down to a managable level I will most definitely be introducing carbs into mt diet. Just gotta be smart with what type of carbs you use.
    #17     Feb 22, 2018
  8. Visaria


    Losing weight (or more accurately losing fat) is all to do with energy balance. Intake or non intake of carbs has nothing to do with it.
    #18     Feb 22, 2018
  9. Several researchers disagree with you on this one. They claim that insulin insensitivity results in high blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to type 2 diabetes. They claim that, to reverse the situation and get rid of the type 2 diabetes, you need to make the body sensitive to insulin (i.e. restore the insulin sensitivity). Once the insulin sensitivity is restored will the blood sugar level go down and will the type 2 diabetes disappear. As a side effect will the patient also lose weight (i.e. body fat).
    #19     Feb 23, 2018
  10. Hang in there. Being on a diet with no carbs isn't easy. But you have a good reason to do it.
    #20     Feb 23, 2018