Lost Generation, wow sucks to be young today.

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by noob_trad3r, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Boomer Presidents:

    Bill Clinton (the decay begins)
    George W. Bush (imbecile)
    Barack O'bama (fill in the blank)

    That probably says it all.
    #31     Sep 22, 2011
  2. OTHO, 4 out of 5 people i know under age 30 have an iPhone, and some of them also have an ipad. some of them make $14k per year. do i feel sorry for them? nope. people who are in trouble usually dug themselves into that hole.

    in addition, young people have been able to borrow money at absurdly low rates. my student loans were 8-10%.

    the grass is always greener on the other side
    #32     Sep 22, 2011
  3. i am tired of young people complaining. they have never had it better. people just have to get over the idea that you go right from school to a middle class lifestyle. it took some of us many years to get financially independant. my first full time job paid $10 per day. my first car cost $15.

    by the way i will trade any one of you young punks every nickle i have if i can have your youth. time is something you can not buy.
    #33     Sep 22, 2011
  4. how young do I have to be to take you up on that offer?
    #34     Sep 22, 2011
  5. What sort of automobile can one pay $15 for? It must have been an old Packard from the junkyard.
    #35     Sep 22, 2011
  6. achilles28


    The American people are intransigently vapid and deluded. Most lack the desire to even contemplate a different viewpoint. Ignorance is excusable. Willful ignorance - over the past 40 fucking years - is not. Granted, the US propaganda machine is unrivaled in the civilized world, but what are we? Lobotomized retards shit-scared from venturing outside group-think??? I am making preparations to take care of my family and close friends. The wheels will fall off shortly, and America will go down like the Titanic. All of this was easily avoidable had the Boomers decided to put on their big boy pants, take a place at the adult table, and join the conversation. Instead, they condemned the next two generations to the asshole of history and burned the furniture to maintain their ultra-cushy lifestyle and multi-million dollar bennies. Well, they won't get their cake. All their paper promises and 401K's will go up in smoke shortly, and nationalized like Argentina. We're about 2 decades past the point of no return. Nothing short of sea change in opinion will right this listing ship, and tragically, Ron Paul only checks in at around 10%. So 5% of the Country is awake, the rest are done for. I am fucking livid, but I am powerless. I cannot save these drooling, fat morons from themselves. They wanted endless entitlements, wars and big pay checks, great, they're gonna get it, right up the ass, while they're the most vulnerable and dependent on it. The real tragedy is they brought the rest of us down with them.
    #36     Sep 22, 2011
  7. I sold a 62 rambler station wagon for $35 and bought a 68 VW bug for $750, but that was when I was upwardly mobile.
    #37     Sep 22, 2011

  8. What a deal. Those were the days.
    #38     Sep 22, 2011
  9. Agree, the young have never had it so good.
    #39     Sep 22, 2011
  10. it was a 1959 plymouth. and no it didnt run but i got it running.
    #40     Sep 22, 2011