lost beginner

Discussion in 'Options' started by Drmic, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. lar


    Thanks Coach,

    I found the newer one readily on Cottle's web site.

    His older stuff carries some pretty hefty price tags for folks looking to sell 'em. $180 -$260 is the price range I found... which explains why I haven't purchased one yet.

    $90 is still significant for a book but if I get something new out of it, well, ok. It's just that I've just seen too many option books go over the same territory that I just can't justify $200 for one. Just couldn't do it.

    I'll get "The Hidden Reality" when I've finished my current reading assignment.

    Peace and continued gtty,

    #11     Sep 20, 2007
  2. You are asking two things here. (1) what it is to profitably use options markets and (2) easiest way to becoming an options broker. They are very different things. What do you want to do?
    #12     Sep 20, 2007
  3. No offence Lar but $90 a significant cost??? Come on, get serious.
    You'll find Cottle's book (OTTHR) won't be covering the same ground as the others - I'm sure you'll find it stimulating (and challenging).
    #13     Sep 20, 2007