Looting in New Orleans..a new low for americans...and why we are minimizing the effec

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mahram, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. You are not getting it. It is not about stealing twinkies. It is about the mentality that drives one to go about ransacking their neighborhood. Its like animals. Civliized people don't do this. Besides they were stealing cigs, beer whiskey TV's what ever. Not just food. Disgusting.

    #31     Aug 31, 2005
  2. John ---

    you obviously missed this prior post --- i think the looting is wrong!
    #32     Aug 31, 2005
  3. Sam123

    Sam123 Guest

    The problem is you have the American economic poor systematically brainwashed by racist and ethnocentric Leftist advocates, organizations, and educators –all who broke into the mainstream. Looting is encouraged –especially if you are not from “the privileged races and ethnic groups.”

    If you're poor in America, you believe you have been wronged by a "racist American society" and you believe it's the ONLY reason why you are “unfairly” impoverished. So it's okay to loot from "The Man," from time to time.

    Poor people of any race and from any country should be encouraged by optimism, and Capitalism; not discouraged and enraged by the whiny and cynical Marxist Left. Poverty is a state of mind.
    #33     Aug 31, 2005
  4. mhashe


  5. Thanks. Sorry.

    #35     Aug 31, 2005

  6. lol, get the fuck out of here you joker. and you know this because you're poor and impoverished, right? you've sat in on pro-looting encouragement meetings sponsored by leftist on the wrong side of town too, huh?

    you're pissed when you see some poor people stealing budweisers and potato chips? obviously, their morals aren't too solid, but you really should focus your rage on the juicier perpetrators...Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers, 99% of all politicians...these guys are the true looters that steal on an unimaginably grander scale that the few lowly looters you've chosen to focus on (for whatever odd purpose).

    you have serious problems, dude. today's donkey award goes to you!!

    <font size=6 color=red>Sam123, a real ass! </font>
    #36     Aug 31, 2005
  7. killaTwill is rolling...LOL
    #37     Aug 31, 2005
  8. lol I'm loving this tread :D
    #38     Aug 31, 2005
  9. Sam123

    Sam123 Guest

    I'm honored. But the exemption of bad behavior and the judgement of character based on race and class is quite stupid, don't you think?
    #39     Aug 31, 2005
  10. Jfcquette and Mahram. Cut the crap. You guys really want to say that those dirty poor black people of New Orleans should be shot for looting. Right?? it's a black thing. Right?? Just come out and say it . :D .
    #40     Aug 31, 2005