Looting in New Orleans..a new low for americans...and why we are minimizing the effec

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mahram, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. India? You cite India as an example of successful multiculturalism?

    Er, actually, no you don't. You just cite it as an example.

    Luckily for you.

    Because if you had tried to cite it as an example of successful multiculturalism, I believe you'd have a hell of a time trying to explain away the millions of deaths and millions of refugees created by Indian "multiculturalism". In fact, that the killing stopped at all was largely because of cultural apartheid -- ever heard of "Pakistan" or "Bangladesh"? (Depressingly, the evidence is clear that cultural apartheid has done a lot more to prevent intercultural war and bloodshed than well-meaning but untested and, evidently, tragically flawed multiculturalist theories.)
    #301     Sep 3, 2005
  2. TGM


    2 points: 1) I never said Proudhon was perfect. I just wanted to make sure you knew were alot of this stuff started. Even bad guys like Lenin and Stalin can make brilliant statements/ observations.
    2) When it comes to left or right thinkers pre-WW2. You would be hard pressed to find someone who would publicly state "I love Jews". AntiSemitism dominated political thinking.

    Karl Marx (a jewish boy) even played along with Proudhon. He tried to one up him by writing "A world without Jews". It was a political/cultural trend. Kind like when you see someone this day in time slamming white men. That has been a big "PC" trend. Same type of thing. You are not going to hear too many people go on TV and say wonderful things about white men and how great they are. Just like you would not be reading a French newspaper article in 1885 about wonderful jews. There are exceptions but what I am talking about is the rule.

    I am not legitimizing bigotry. I do not discount everything someone says or does because they disliked someone or because they had an appearance of disliking someone/something. I do not discount the thinking of the founding fathers of American because they owned slavery. Although, the history of slavery is evil (in the Americas as well as the rest of the world).
    #302     Sep 3, 2005
  3. TGM


    Observing trends as they are starting and happening does not make someone evil. We are going to have to get over the brainwashing of stating: Human differences = Nazism. If white people say anything about differences or simply make an observations like "Koreans are not as good at Basketball wereas Africans are amazing"---well they must have a white sheet at home (ala-gringho). European (ie white) interests are always presented as an evil pathology. That is dangerous.

    The Social Scientist of the late 20th centuries will be held in the same light as the Leechers a couple hundred years ago. No one can state that they cannot be wrong. That is not a free and open society.

    No matter how uncomfortable truth may be. The only question that is relevant is "IS IT TRUE". The truth no matter how ugly or impolite is the absolute defense. It was always this way in the West. That is one of the reasons West developed the Scientific Method.
    #303     Sep 3, 2005
  4. I don't think it's the only question that's relevant. Just because something is "true" doesn't necessarily justify shouting it from the rooftops.

    "Blacks murder more people than whites" and "Blacks have lower IQs than whites" are both currently irrefutable truths. But would that justify, say, building a national curriculum around these truths? A true white supremacist, like those depicted in the movies, (who I think are very, very, very rare in real life) might want to, but I think most reasonable people would see it such a proposition as useless and counterproductive.

    Of course, there may certainly be times entirely appropriate for mentioning those truths. And that is indeed when the very fact of them being truths, however impolite, becomes an absolute defense.

    This is all quite obvious, of course, but I thought it worth mentioning anyway -- might forestall whining by those who always see horror just around the corner anytime race is mentioned, no matter the context.

    PS You sound like a Vdare reader. Are you? If not, you should be. I recommend you give Vdare a read, too, Rearden. No need to agree with everything they say (I certainly don't), and a couple of their writers might put you off (like Sam Francis me), but they've got some well argued positions that you really won't hear many places else. It's worth reading just for Steve Sailer's articles, who I think is the best pundit you've never heard of. (There's a Jew there, too, I think, Rubinstein -- so relax. :))
    #304     Sep 3, 2005
  5. how come... in the Forbes 400... nobody's black?

    well, maybe Oprah.
    #305     Sep 3, 2005
  6. I am from one of the nordic countries in europe and moved to Brazil some years ago. I have blond hair, blue eyes and easily get sunburnt. I can say the same for all my family. Still, my genetic composition is not the same as yours, or anyone from my old country.

    It's the stupidifying of science which makes some come with statements like "genetic extinction" when talking about mixing races. You guys obviously flunked every science class - especially biology - when you think your genes gets "less pure" if you stop marrying your cousins and sisters.

    What mamma and pappa told you guys about inbreading as a good purist thing is not right. When you guys look yourselves in the mirror, and comb your hair carefully to hide those protruding big ears of yours ... that's a genetic sign that you guys have gone to far. It was *not* ok when your uncles, bigger cousins and siblings had their way with you guys.

    Just take my word for it, and stop being cronies of other "leaders" hiding under white sheets or brownish shirts ... there is a way out of this circle of suffering and self-hatred you roll around in - looking for a meaning to your existence.

    Oh, and don't worry, I quite easily find an angle for every one of your verbal counter-attacks, and will ridicule you guys still more.
    You are making stupid asses of yourselves.
    #306     Sep 3, 2005
  7. Saturday, Sept. 3, 2005 10:20 a.m. EDT
    Police Chief: 'Urban Warfare' Slowed New Orleans Rescue

    New Orleans Police Chief Edwin Compass said Friday that hurricane rescue efforts were hampered when relief workers came under attack by the city's criminal element, prompting conditions that resembled "urban warfare."

    "We have never had an urban warfare battle like this on any front in the history of our nation," Compass told NBC's "Dateline."

    "You're fighting in buildings that are pitch black with darkness. These individuals have root - the criminal element have looted all the gun shops and gun stores in this city, so they're armed, they're dangerous."
    Federal Emergency Management Agency Chief Michael Brown, under fire for his agency's slow response, echoed Chief Compass's complaint, telling CNN: "We are working under conditions of urban warfare."

    Though the city's crime rate is ten times the national average, U.S. news outlets downplayed the connection between New Orleans' outsized criminal element and delays in rescue efforts.

    Saturday's London Times, however, painted a bleak picture of the challenges faced by local police as they tried to restore order.

    "One New Orleans police officer wept as he described seeing bodies riddled with bullets, and the top of one man's head shot off. He said some looters were armed with AK-47 rifles, and compared the situation with Somalia, with police outnumbered and outgunned by gangs in trucks . . .

    "An effort to remove patients and staff from Charity Hospital, in the city centre, was suspended after it came under sniper fire . . .

    "'It's a war-zone, and they're not treating it like one,' he said, referring to the federal government . . . Gunmen continued to fire on troops and rescue helicopters, and police officials said that many officers had stopped reporting for duty, cutting manpower by 20 per cent."
    #307     Sep 3, 2005
  8. It is tragic that the only place one can discuss issues like this is on an anonymous message board. Try it in public and you will find yourself out of a job, courtesy of the PC fascists who control our institutions.

    The American public have been indoctrinated with a lie, namely that multiculturalism and "diversity" (which always means skin color) benefit our society. The concept stands refuted by centuries of history, but our elites have no problems in denying any reality that conflicts with the fantasy world they want to sell us.

    We have a few years left to change course, but I don't see it happening. Too many tenured school teachers, too many cowardly politicians, too many hardcore activists. Our children, if not us, face a future involving balkanization of our southwest, bitter racial conflict everywhere and a growing Islamist insurgency at home. Ultimately, it is a law of nature that if you are not prepared to fight to preserve what is yours, you will lose it.
    #308     Sep 3, 2005
  9. Why the heck are there troops in New Orleans?


    Our children weren't raised to fight the neocons war for Israel in Louisiana!

    Shame on this fascist government for its brutal repression of the People's Front for the Liberation of Plasma TVs and Assorted Non-Survival Merchandise!
    #309     Sep 3, 2005
  10. That's the real world, alright. It's always been like that, and always will be, in my opinion. It also applies to all facets of life, even your girlfriend ... dude.

    Talk about stating the obvious.

    Also, I don't see anyone but do-gooders talking about the good of multi-culturalism, but heck, new workers are needed in all the western nations - especially to preserve pensions and future payouts. Several alternative solutions exist, and outsourcing is one of them.

    Talk sound business, then you can start talking sense.
    #310     Sep 3, 2005