Looting in New Orleans..a new low for americans...and why we are minimizing the effec

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mahram, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. I don't even understand why we even need all that petroleum based stuff when their is so many available sources of CLEAN energy. And the problem with this fuel-cell technology is it takes energy to get the hydrogen, so it's not so pure as it's made out to be.

    Sorry getting OT here... I'll refrain.. this is just important to me though.
    #261     Sep 2, 2005
  2. ____________________________________________

    Spinning the nuclear shutdown won't work. Bush just started mentioning it recently because of the liberal prejudice. But give the Reps a few more years and a few more years of results from failed Dem policies and we will have them.

    If AQ doesn't want to control the oil engine of the world then you are truly delusional.

    Of course we don't own that oil but I'll appoint you head negotiator to buy it from AQ if they get it.

    You really need to get away from that PC and do something out in the sunshine, it might stimulate your brain cells.
    #262     Sep 2, 2005
  3. TGM


    Fine. But as I stated. They cannot EDUCATE them. It is like Haiti. You have teaming mass of underclass people breeding out of control. If you have lived near one of these areas. You would know that there is no solution. They wont work. And if you cut them off like I would. They would immediately come to your neighborhood and take everything you worked for and loot. Rioting has been a weapon of the black leadership to scare Washington into goodies. Nothing ever changes. Sooner or later you are going to have a line in the sand and then it will get interesting. There was a book called Civil War 2. It was written by a man named Chittum in the mid 90's. It layouts many scenarios for America's future. None to pretty. But no Nation ever lasts forever.
    #263     Sep 2, 2005
  4. I here ya. As a developer, I've been somewhat exposed myself. But the point I'm feeling is that more needs to be rigorously done, and not just let the problems progress.
    #264     Sep 2, 2005
  5. Nonsense. The problem is a racist society that perpetuates the legacy of slavery and leaders with a scarely hidden genocidal agenda to oppress peoples of color. How do you expect proud black men to learn in schools designed to make them lackeys of an imperialist hegemonic regime? Hell no, they won't go, not to your whitebread schools and certainly not to work for the new slavemasters of the global economy.
    #265     Sep 2, 2005
  6. TGM


    Precisely and that type of thinking will lead to some permanent solution. And it wont involve affirmative action and goodies. The whole world is seeing this and asking questions. The average american living in the burbs is seeing this and pondering the fait of their children and grandchildren in the future. It is NOT getting better. We have several Haiti's developing in the USA.
    #266     Sep 2, 2005
  7. The US is and has always been a very race-conscious/-centered country. In contrast the UK is very much about social-class, social layers.

    Race will continue to play a big role in the US for a long, long time. It's cemented into the US' history, tradition, laws and regulations.
    #267     Sep 2, 2005
  8. guess who the thugs, the organize gangs that are raping and murdering people right now oppressing. Guess who, other african people. There arent many white faces, so guess who these people are hurting right now. The people you are defending, who are being raped, killed, having their life savings stolen, beatened, yeah other africans. Its not about race, these guys are hurting their own people, and others who are coming into their to save them. Its not about race, its about thugs, you know who they are, the bullies in the nieghborhood who thinks they can take whatever they want. Its time to shoot and kill these animals.

    #268     Sep 2, 2005
  9. I think it's both about "payback-time" and about mindless thugs. They are crazy bastards, but they seem to be warring against police and the establishment, while lashing out at everyone.

    Seeing reports of how it is being a black father in the southern states, it's no surprise they're frustrated. The chance of being jailed for not wearing a t-shirt or whatever reason seems pretty high when you're black around there.
    #269     Sep 2, 2005
  10. America may become like South America. You want to see one possible America's future? visit South America, there you can see pristine drug-lord CT, CA-style mansions within gated communities protected by private guards from the hungry riff raff living in the sorrounding slums, who happen to be predominantly of native (indian) ancestry.
    Hope not.
    But I don't think Europe has a better model. They are becoming like the URSS their welfare state may go bankrupt at any time and when that happens bye bye socialist state, welcome Russia-style mobster capitalist kleptocracy.
    #270     Sep 2, 2005