Looting in New Orleans..a new low for americans...and why we are minimizing the effec

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mahram, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. Unless we hold leadership accountable, why on earth would they change?

    #241     Sep 2, 2005
  2. Even if you dont pay taxes,you have a right to complain.
    It would be nice however, if just once you took a break from your anto-gov tirades, and actually did something to help the pawns that you use to try to support arguments. Give 50 bucks, I guarantee you'll feel good about it.
    #242     Sep 2, 2005
  3. _________________________________________________

    Katrina should be a wake up call. We need to be involved in the middle east especially with Iraq holding the largest undeveloped oil reserves. Imagine if that whole area fell under AQ rule.

    Also we desperately need more refineries.
    #243     Sep 2, 2005
  4. rich64


    er, actually you (and we) need to use less oil.
    #244     Sep 2, 2005
  5. How do you know what people are giving or not giving?

    Your "shut up and just donate money" is typical of those who want to keep the heat of Bush Inc.

    #245     Sep 2, 2005
  6. Had the country invested in renewable energy technologies, prior to now, oil reserves and refining would not be a issue.
    #246     Sep 2, 2005
  7. Uhhh, the oil in Iraq doesn't belong to us.

    Your plan is to protect the supplier. Exactly the way a drug addict wants to make sure the drug trade continues because of the addiction.

    Hmmm, speaking of which, how much have we done to stop the flow of drugs out of Afghanistan.

    I didn't think so....

    We had out wakeup call in the 70's, and the corporate entity known as the United States of Corporate America, oil producers, auto makers, made sure America went back to sleep....

    #247     Sep 2, 2005
    #248     Sep 2, 2005
  9. TGM


    As someone who grew up surrounded by folks espousing alot of far left ideology (and I am not talking democrats or liberls---way to left of them). Every social program over the last 50 years has failed. Totally failed.

    Detroit (where I grew up) spends a fortune on students and nothing works. New Orleans has had fortunes pore through there from time to time and nothing changes---it only gets worse. Long term solutions to these problems are going to make everyone uncomfortable. Money is not the answer. Money won't even buy time any more.

    All the liberal thinkers are looking for a way out of this social mess that gets bigger and bigger every decade. There are no new answers to the old questions. Oh and the Republican leadership is just as bad. The whole Republican leadership agree with the Liberal social policies--even if the people voting for them do not.

    Republican and Democrat ----those are just words. The people in charge of the Republican party are NOT Conservative. The NeoCon contingent of the Republican party have a choke hold on policy. They will go down as revolutionary radicals who failed. They are so Utopian. I liked them better when they were communists.
    #249     Sep 2, 2005
  10. Wrong programs.... Cut off the welfare checks, educate them, and get their lazy asses off the f&*@$ ing couch by getting them to work.

    Personally, I've had to work for everything I've attained.
    #250     Sep 2, 2005