Looks like they are already planning "The Empire Strikes Back"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Since I believe in the Golden Rule as the closest thing to a moral absolute, in what universe would following the Golden Rule support murdering of Jews by the Nazis? Not my universe, that is for sure...Your universe? I have no idea...

    Please tell me you have something of substance upon which to make what resembles even a Junior High School debate...

    #51     Feb 4, 2009
  2. So you have sex tourism in different lands on your mind a lot?

    Golden Rule baby, Golden Rule...

    #52     Feb 4, 2009
  3. Ahh, the "evolution" to thoughts of physical violence toward someone who has a different opinion than you...

    Classic signs of fascist fundamentalists who cannot tolerate different points of view and live in a self righteous existence of emotionally based blithering lunacy...

    Really hard for you not to be able to control or persuade people to your point of view, or agree with you, isn't it?

    Makes you regresses into violent thinking...how very much like the Muslim extremists who rationalize violent thinking and acting as "righteous" in nature...

    Either you will simmer down and become rational, or your emotions will continue to control you and you will try to escalate the violent reactionary animal behavior to ease the pain of not being in control...

    #53     Feb 4, 2009
  4. Golden rule baby, Golden rule...

    #54     Feb 4, 2009
  5. "you know what needs to happen with you? you need a good ole fashioned southern ass whipping... someone needs to beat the fuck out of your punk ass"

    #55     Feb 4, 2009
  6. 1. Since you believe in the golden rule as the closest thing to a moral absolute, in what universe would following the golden rule support the rape of 10 year old children?

    2. If you were a 10 year old child would you want a grown man forcing you down on the ground and raping you? Answer with a YES or NO.

    By the way if you would not want to be raped by a grown man as a 10 year old than you cannot advocate the rape of a 10 year old unless of course you are breaking the golden rule (holy shit surprise).
    #56     Feb 4, 2009
  7. The Fuckwit Alcoholic Troll has provided us with a prime example of his idiocy on this page of this thread. MoM0 has pointed out the boneheaded contradiction in his position; namely that if you go to a country where it's legal to rape children, that doesn't make the act moral
    The Fuckwit Troll is in a bad position here. He can't defend his 'argument'. So what's the solution? Evade!!
    I have more respect for the Right Wing extremists on this site than I do for this stinking piece of shit.
    #57     Feb 4, 2009
  8. Hey, Fuckface Alcoholic Troll. Surely even you have the ability to figure out that there's nothing in the sentence above that constitutes a threat to you by the writer. He is simply saying that having your teeth kicked down your throat is what you need. Everyone on here knows that.

    More bullshit from the Moron Troll. This guy is clearly in alcoholic relapse, just like he was in '07 during the 'Pink Rabbit' incident.
    #58     Feb 4, 2009
  9. Can't agree more.

    I believe he will never answer my yes or no question either.

    The fucktard brings up the golden rule all the time as a last resort and yet somehow still defends the rape of children.
    #59     Feb 4, 2009
  10. MoM0, in '07 the Alcoholic Troll fell off the wagon. He began posting up to 30 times per day, just the most ridiculous stuff you can imagine. It was around this time that the Troll infamously joked in the Chat room that it would be funny if he told hapaboy that hap's children might be the victims of sexual predation (yes, I know... but remember, this is the Fuckwit Troll we're talking about).

    We asked the Asshole for some clarifications. He started to post pictures of a Pink Rabbit with its finger up its ass. We asked the Troll how we should interpret this response. For about a week, all he would do is post pictures of this Pink Rabbit.

    Sound like something an 11 year-old kid would do? Yep.

    He then started posting all sorts of bizarre images from his personal library. Shortly after that he seemed to go away for a while.

    He has never posted a bizarre image since, except for some war porn which he seems to like a lot.
    #60     Feb 4, 2009