looking to build a remote group in canada

Discussion in 'Trading' started by montrealer, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. I am looking to build a remote group with MGB trading. i work with them now and they have been more honest and caring than any other firm i have been with, including Golden, Global, and Lynx/Globus. the group rates are below:

    See Below:
    0-500,000shares 85% $1/1000shares
    501,000-1,000,000shares 85% .60/1000shares
    1,000,001-4,000,000shares 85% .30/1000shares
    4,00,001-10,000,000shares 85% .20/1000shares
    10,000,001+ AND $10,000Net Profit 90% .25/1000shares”

    i have raised my volume level from about 1-10K a day to 10-25K a day, which over 20 days means i am close to the 500K shares a month level all by myself, meaning even if u trade almost nothing we should get the 60 cents /1000 shares commision deal. check it out i bet u wont get that deal anywhere else with a 85% payout. so far i am alone, with one friend perhaps joining soon, if you are interest i am quite sure with another trader we could easily reach 30 cents a share commision on 1000 shares with a 85% profit keep. pm for more. note that each trader will have his/her own account, only volume will be added together to get a low group commision.