Looking for software advice

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by QuickieBlast, Aug 17, 2003.

  1. Does anyone know of a software that can be downloaded into my computer that will notify a trader when 10:00 triggers are hit ?

    I am looking to "plug-in " 50 - 100 names pre open and at 10:00 there is a high and low established, from there when these names trigger either a high or a low I am notified


  2. Medved Quote Tracker.
  3. I think you asked a very vague question. Most charting applications that support the ability to define custom formula conditions will support this.

    Esignal (I think)

    and the list goes on.
  4. Does anyone know of a scanning program that will highlight stocks that have JUST moved ( for example ) above or below the 10 Day Moving Average, and can be supported by REALTIC or ASSENT's HAMMER PLATFORM?
  5. Take a look at Traderbot.com. To get on do the 5day free trial.