Looking for minute by minute VOHLC data for 6E, 6B, ES, DAX, Z, GBX and ZB.

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by mgzheng, Oct 23, 2005.

  1. mgzheng


    I am looking for minute by minute VOHLC data for 6E, 6B, ES, DAX, Z, GBX and ZB from Jan 2005 to Jun 2005. eSignal price data only go back to Jun 2005. Please give me a source or price if you have it. Thanks!
  2. TGregg


    Posting the same thing in multiple forums not only does not get you a faster answer, it ticks people off and draws attention of the mods who think about banning you.
  3. Hi

    you can have: Dax, Stoxx, Bund. 1997-today.
    Which format do you need?

  4. fader


    what is the source and cost? thx.

  5. Here`s the Dax

    good luck!
  6. mgzheng


    How much do you need for the data? Do you have the other ones? ZB, ES, 6E?
  7. mgzheng


    Thanks for the free data then!

    Answering my own question here for es and 6e, http://www.anfutures.com has the lowest price I can find, $30 for 5 years, minute by minute VOHLC for front month contracts. He's pretty much giving it out for free. Nice website!