Looking for Job in Chicago

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by chiproptrader, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Hi Everyone;

    I am looking for any prop shops in Chicago doing any hiring.
    I have been in the business for 7 years. 3 of those on the IT side of the business. 3 more clerking in the Eurodollars. The last year I have spent trading the Treasuries overnights for a salary.
    I am also experienced trading Bund, Bobl, Shatz, Gilt, Sterling, Fed Funds, Eurodollars, Energies, and Minis for this shop. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can have a resume emailed over immediately.

    Have a great New Year!!

  2. Sorry. we're in the same boat.

    I'm planning on moving next year though.

    Out of curiousity where did you trade before?
  3. Small shop in Chicago named GCM.
    Good luck with the move!