Looking for end of month data of the Nasdaq100 from 1971 to 1985.

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by cvds16, May 6, 2018.

  1. cvds16


    I allready got everthing after 1985 thanks to yahoo finance. However their data doesn't go back as far as I would like. If possible I would like to have this data in excell. Anyone who can help me out of can point me to a website where this could be done. I've been googling for hours now allready but nothing usefull comes up. Thanks.
  2. srinir


    comagnum likes this.
  3. cvds16


    Thanks for pointing this out. I will use Nasdaq Composite in my longer term testing as a substiture/proxy for my testing. Yahoo Finance does have those data going back all the way to 1971 so I mixed the two indices up.

  4. You poor fellow. I have Comp from 1938. Dow Jones from 1800, Euro aka Deutsche Mark from 1930s, Gold from 1250 but I'm sworn to secrecy. :):):):):):):):):)
  5. upload_2018-5-15_15-52-37.png
  6. jharmon


    Actually you have somebody's simulation of these items. Unless you know the exact provenance of the data and how they constructed it, it might look nice on a chart but it's all garbage.

    Clearly the Nasdaq Composite back to 1938 is nonsensical. There aren't any sources for OTC data going back that far!