Looking for DJI HIstorical Components' tickers

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by fin-x, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. fin-x


    Hello All,

    I recently found a good list - companies that historically were included into DJI since July 1884. Feel free to check the file here: http://djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/DJIA_Hist_Comp.pdf

    What I am actually looking for is the same list of companies but with tickers alongside the company names.

    I can actually get the list together myself by searching for the symbol / ticker for particular company from the list but it will take some time.

    Please let me know if anyone has ever seen anything like this. Or maybe someone have developed one. Or you can point me into the right direction.

    Thanks to everyone in advance,
