Looking for C# programmer to build strategy on CQG, Rithmic, or Similar API

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by traderzhang, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. I have an algo strategy that I would like to get programmed in C# and linked up to the CQG API. It can also be rithmic, CTS, or any other direct futures routing provider. I'm not picky. Must have prior experience with the API to integrate with. If you want the job or know someone who does, please message me. Thanks!
    Quanto likes this.
  2. RedDuke


    Are you willing to pay? If not, it will not be easy to find someone who can do the job right.
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  3. Yes, of course
  4. RedDuke


    Then you should have no issue finding someone qualified. Assuming you paying market rate.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
  5. MarkBrown


    no matter what you pay they will fail and if by miracle you get it to work i will pay you twice what you paid for the source code. as long as i'm still alive and able to trade that is.
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  6. Jack1960


    I will pay you four times if it works.
    MarkBrown likes this.
  7. fan27


    What do you mean by "fail" and "get it to work"?
  8. RedDuke


    do not kill the dream.
    MarkBrown likes this.
  9. RedDuke


    odds of ending up with strategy that has positive expectancy are very low.
    fan27 and MarkBrown like this.
  10. KGMK


    I can do it. This stuff is simple
    #10     Mar 8, 2024