Looking for alternative to Nasdaq Earnings Calendar

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by ET180, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. ET180


    Nasdaq recently changed their site and I hate their new earnings calendar format:


    Old one was much more read-able. Anyone know of another earnings calendar site or app that allows one to sort by market cap? Nasdaq is the only site that I know that allows sorting by market cap. Other than that, I hate their new format.
    Humble Investor likes this.
  2. Overnight


    This site probably does it, but you have to register to use that function.

  3. For now, at least, you can use "old" in place of "www" in the url and access the old format.

    ET180 and zdreg like this.
  4. easymon1


  5. ET180


    Thanks, that did it. I'll use that for as long as I can. The old site really is so much better than the new. So much more readable. Why did they think reporting market cap as $XXX,XXX,XXX.XX was better than $XXXM?


    Finscreener has a way to filter for market cap, but I like having it displayed in the results, then I just sort it from high to low like the old Nasdaq site allowed me to do.


    Yes, I mostly sell options around earnings. But have learned to avoid selling strangles / naked calls / puts on small companies because they can really move. That's why I'm interested in market cap.

    I'm open to using an app. I have IB, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, and TastyWorks in case one of those brokers has a daily earnings calendar sortable by market cap and tells if the earnings are before or after market close.
    zdreg likes this.