Looking for a successful trader

Discussion in 'Trading' started by sappjason, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. I know you're just throwing these numbers out there but the gulf between trading $1M and $5M is substantial. If you know you will grow $130K to $5M, there's no point bothering with cretins on a message board looking for someone to share with you a profitable system. Just trade what you got. How many mouths you got to feed anyway?
    #51     Mar 19, 2010
  2. pspr


    The Internet is the only place you can be dead for a day or two and then suddenly be back alive without anyone being amazed or shocked!

    I refuse to read your jiberish, Jack, but it's nice to be alive, isn't it?
    #52     Mar 19, 2010
  3. Phosphates are smelly, moreso when hydrolized.

    Its the dioxides you have to worry about.

    When you "look at patterns", you get to see the three parts and how dominance works in making money.

    A tricky aspect and something that is counterintuitive is that the LCD (least common denominator) as pect of cycles is at play. most people are "stuck" in the up/down and entry/exit mode of thinking.

    My views are not oriented to being "right" or "ranting" as some people conclude. BUT it is difficult to allow others to be able to think and consider by putting something before them.

    We did the expose on the three up/downs compared to two triads of dom, non dom, dom one after the other. Most people excuse themsleves from this comparison because of mental limitations they impose upon themsleves. I believe it is the naturla thing for them to do after they reach a certain point.

    For those who are capable of seeing the three moves a trend makes, they probably can see that two of the moves are mostly dominant moves with an intervening non dominant.

    So how does this play out when domance and momentum are under consideration as interrelated phenomena? A person better not choose one over the other and be exclusionary. The classic example will always be the defining differences between a retrace and a reversal at the very beginning of either one.

    The only way to deal with any trading phenomena is through logic. By going to "edge" chacacterisitics, the price that is paid is usually in not dealing in logic. As the OP explained his coding only includes the laundry list of CW.

    Others have mentioned the advantage of stepping outside the box for coding the making of money. A quarter of a percent a day is definitely "in the box". Acruary mentions extending this to a level amost four times this size. All of this is under the reign of induction.

    In the greenbook days when EOD data reigned, 30% a month was a kick off new trader value using logic. S L O W money making.

    Today, logic is a viable alternative to the CW surround of edges, money mangement and risk control amply supported by reverse engineering protection , equipment failure, data failure, etc...

    Let the phishing begin........
    #53     Mar 19, 2010
  4. Sorry, B-Team cheerleading doesn't permit me to agree. Your worldview is totally alien to me, and not because I am what you call CW. I live in a world of unambiguously expressible and testable hypotheses: if Jack is posting, the market must not be doing diddly squat, so I can take a break to diddly squat myself. Hypothesis. Algorithm. Code. Test. Try again.
    #54     Mar 19, 2010
  5. Jack, 20% a YEAR worked out pretty good for Warren Buffett. How did 30%+ a month work out for you?
    #55     Mar 19, 2010
  6. Sorry, had to break to feed the working wife. If she doesn't work, I don't eat. But we drink pretty well on what I make trading. Anyway to continue my diatribe, since you don't dialogue too well, I have never found anything more than vague uncoadable hypotheses in your posts. Everything is mushy, nothing is firm enough to be pinned down. You are the greatest theoretician in the face of facts since Ptolemy. Maybe you make money trading such things, but I am waaaay too stupid to. Welcome back.
    #56     Mar 19, 2010
  7. billbob


    Your proposal is very unfair, but I think you are a fair person who just happen to have been used to value cash more than knowledge/labor of others. The critical part of trading is the idea/knowledge. It is the only thing you cannot go out and buy. In other words, trading methods that work are not a commodity.

    What do you think of this proposition.

    1. I would give the trades (say 25 trades) for you to see. Most likely you will not cheat in sense of using them, as you need to measure them to trust them. 25 is because of central limit theorem.

    2. Beyond 25 trades, you would need to share profits, at most 49% to you.

    3. Need for time and/or capital commitment.

    4. A pledge you will not try to reverse engineer the method without the written consent.

    What do you think of this call option? Is it not very cheap compared to call option people buy in the market?
    #57     Mar 19, 2010
  8. No.Heat


    Compound with whatever is making you money now is the best logical solution for growing your income.

    No Heat
    #58     Mar 19, 2010
  9. This year's main public series at UA is on the mind and the brain. the place is packed wall to wall and the speakers are terrific in this age of multimedia.

    I also have the benfit of two surgeons who are the creme de la creme and Liz is shipping in potato salad as we speak.

    So I get to practise what is being preached at UA. First I got depressurized so my optic nerve would remain intact. It took more than one try but they planned ahead.

    then I had my lens pulverized a sucked out and a tacco replacement occurred to avoid suturing. But I couldn't bend over for a month.

    Here is where the fune began. Beging told it will be different is not something that can be understood easily. But in three months I came to understand what different was. The more interesting part was that my brain and mind could not get across to my eyes what was called for. Now there is a different understanding; I dont try to use eye muscles to change the shape of plastic fixed trifocals. LOL.....

    I m too old for outer lasic type work on th moonscapes I had until recntly.

    So now I am growing new corneas and preventing any fibrousgrowthon their platform by using four kinds of drops and goopy stuff in tubes as often as every thirty minutes. We voted against plugging one of the two drains in each eye. And I have to wash the exteriors several times a day after I ue hot compresses to get rid of solids by turning thm into liquid oils that can be washed off with baby soap.

    LOL The big thing is it is different and when they used the speculums to be able to "use a dull knife" to prepare for the PRK (bilateral simultaneous) LOL.. and then create the smell of "burning leaves" I got the recovery message loud and clear.

    Wearing bandages in the form of lens and sleeping uing a shield over things to be able to sleep is unusual.

    Being old allows more time to pass during post op testing.. I can now read. BUT....

    Getting the mind to understand how to communicate to the eyes is an adventure. I didn't get down the the egg timer level but I did get to a minute timer that wound up to 30 minutes. It is poopped at this point and I am really pouring on the drops to keep this and that going and this and that prevented.

    My reading speed is multiplying and I am learning to read a screen and look at a keyboard and be able to alternate and still be able to have focus. It is fun in many ways since I get to better understand what I learned about my mind over the years first hand.

    Before the thrird series of ops, I took a ride in the car and revisited mountains and clouds and that kind of thing. I had the spaces in my mind for them all set up. BUT I was getting nw sets of data...LOL..... It is all funny in many ways and I get the extra kick out of retuning all the data bases,etc....

    One eye is way ahead of the other, too..... LOL....

    So I got to redo the maths of alot of the TA research in my mind...they really blew it.

    It is so neat to be able the have the PEP paradigm all refined down to the granularity of any market. I rhought about it alot and am applying an old tool I came up with eons ago for flowing problem solving. ..... I saw red duke is using an Eastern exchange that has a leading/lagging component too. The S/S application.

    I am pumped about being in the last two months of recovery. So I am giving myself permission to recover at whatever pace comes down the line.

    It is so funny to see how the mind works in the ways that it does. I notice so many people have cut themselves off from observing markets. by severing their ability to use market data to input their minds, they preclude being able to build their minds to take the market's offer.

    Perception is the deal and it is 90% inference. An empty mind has no inference. Building inference is what is called for and making that clear to a closed mind is a neat problem to solve.

    The first thing I would do is forget trying to deal with a closed mind.

    Next, taking a look at an empty mind is very important. there is this vast space and all the hubdreds of biochemicals that can be made avaialble to get connections to begin to fire.

    The whole thing comes down to the unconscious delivery system. How can you MAKE an empty mind look at something where there is no inference to support the visual sensing?

    If a person can look at the V and P of a pattern; I think he can see the three moves of the trend pattern. I believe unconsciously the perception can come into being when the person is sleeping. There is no 10,000 hours of CW in play.

    What if the spydertrader single sentence could be understood by a person when he woke up the next day?

    For me I got to go through not being able to read a newspaper and then I could only read a caption under a picture. I could deal with the picture but not moving my eyeballs to intercept rows of letters making words. That is over BUT I did get to understand better why people cannot see the pattern of a trend's three left and right moves.

    I rhink people read left to right and can't do markets right to left, left to right and right to left to see a completed trend pattern.

    I remember when acruary shifted from one thinking modus to another modus. I also remember when DBPhoenix was adament about not using LTL's.

    Here we see a guy BELIEVING momnetum has an upper capital application limit. Besides being a laughing matter, it is stupid.

    Anyway, I am getting some eyeball exercise.........
    #59     Mar 19, 2010
  10. that was funny. fnancial limits????

    I pulled the coprolite post, so I passed on the dino comment you made.

    Art was sooo funnyand I was jusr brousing a little to "read" for practice....LOL...
    #60     Mar 19, 2010