Looking for a partner

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by hentleyventures, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. Pita



    what do you expect from your trading partner? I mean in terms of which markets should be covered and how much time needs to be invested.
    #11     Apr 5, 2009
  2. Nice bluff...that number is legit.....stop wasting everyones time.

    #12     Apr 5, 2009
  3. in other words, you're looking for a partner, from whom you wish to collect project fees on?......
    #13     Apr 5, 2009
  4. I'm not yet sure how the fee structure will be designed, but yes, in return for managing the website and setting up the members system I would expect to be compensated.

    That being said, the new partner and I would have to negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement.

    #14     Apr 5, 2009
  5. anyone who believes that you are interested in trading web site BUT NOT IN TRADING itself, is more than foolish

    you won't find real traders to be naive, I promise you that
    #15     Apr 5, 2009
  6. So you build a web site which can be built for $1000 max. and your "partner" provides all the content and skills and he gets what percentage?

    This deal doesn't make sense.

    Your value is not equal to your partners.
    #16     Apr 5, 2009
  7. If you can build a website with integrated voice and video chat, payment systems, forums and get someone to manage it full time for under $1,000 I'll pay you to run the website......:)

    There's also a lot of money that would have to go into marketing and online promotion.

    Running a site like this is much more than just building the design.

    #17     Apr 5, 2009
  8. of course his value is not equal to that of the trader

    Any fool can put in 4 hr a day and build and maintain excellent web site

    but few spend years to learn to trade

    NOT TO MENTION that the OP doesn't even realize that real traders don't bother with sites

    they bother only with their trading and don't share signals
    #18     Apr 5, 2009
  9. Bushido



    what Vespasian mentioned did not include maintaining, but for a wordpress website with a commercial theme, and whatever bells and whistles you want to talk about it can be done in $1000, and my guy is based in Toronto, so no outsourcing involved there!

    If anyone is interested in getting something done in wordpress, let me know I will give you the contact information!

    and phil, for the most part ppl on this forum have enough technical understanding to know what you say here.

    Anyone with the slightest idea of wordpress and open source will know exactly what it would cost to have all those bells and whistles done... for free!

    #19     Apr 5, 2009
  10. I don't think the OP is looking to profit on someone else's trading profits, I think the OP is looking to provide a service to the trading community, but needs a trader to fill in the trading information. The OP is an IT guy, not a trader, but needs a trader partner to create the live content...i.e. be there trading and talking to members.

    I would guess the OP and the trader would likely share the profits of the membership and membership only.

    Of course that's my guess, but being an IT guy, I can see what the OP is trying to accomplish and I don't think he's being disingenuine.

    I do however have to agree that most serious traders aren't going to be interested. It would be giving away their edge if they have one.
    #20     Apr 6, 2009