Looking for a broker to trade funds

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by youarefired, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. Which broker offers trading in equities as well as in funds, mutual funds and the likes of Rydex and ProFunds?
    Low commissions and low or no account maintenance fee
    Thank you
  2. The name that is coming up consistently is Scottrade as a leader.
    others are Ameritrade, Schwab(lowered comissions lately)
    the problem that these funds still cost to trade $17 each time so a $2500
    $17/$2500=0.0068 and there is a fund management fee to consider even if it is hidden.....be the judge of this at your own
  3. I have not used them yet but alot of people that I know swear by choicetrade. $ 5.00 for stocks, .99 for options, $25.00 for mutuals with no inactivity fee. I am currently in the process of opening a account with them. Also their software is top notch it is called choicetrade but is identical to tradestream pro , they also offer e-signal.

    Best of luck, SS
  4. I have not used them yet but alot of people that I know swear by choicetrade. $ 5.00 for stocks, .99 for options, $25.00 for mutuals with no inactivity fee. I am currently in the process of opening a account with them. Also their software is top notch it is called choicetrade but is identical to tradestream pro , they also offer e-signal.

    Best of luck, SS
  5. GTC


    For mutual funds, you might also consider Firsttrade.