Looking for a 19 inch flat panel monitor

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by donaldduck3419, Jun 18, 2003.

  1. Hey, does anyone know where i could get a brand new 19 inch, 17 inch viewable, flat panel from for about $400??? I looked on ebay and lots of other sites and i cannot find what i need. Any insight?
  2. You can get a Samsung 17" flat panel for $400 from Best Buy.
  3. i looked at best buy, i couldn't find it there.
  4. hmap1


  5. I think viewsonic may have one.
  6. I saw one at sam's club for below $200, Samtron 19" flat panel. I don't know how it is.
  7. thanks guys, i found a few things i like so far that are in my price range.

    if you anyone know any sites to check out, please name them.
  8. also, does anyone know how good are viewsonic and samsung monitors are?
  9. Merc


    Any experiences buying from Monitors Direct or Monitors Outlet?
  10. no, never.
    #10     Jun 18, 2003