Some of you trade "longer time frames" - and have asked if we "allow" that. We have traders who keep all sorts of stuff. We want our traders to manage themselves as long as they are doing it within basic parameters. So don't be deterred by the daytrading term. A trader may trade 50 times during the day, and keep a few thousand shares in a pair or for a divident play, or just because they want to. Basic common sense and risk control always applies. The "swing trading" concept is often times better performed by those who are more investment conscious rather than wanting to spend time trading all day. That is fine, and we have made exceptions for the remote traders who wish to engage in this strategy.
>Some of you trade "longer time frames" - and have >asked if we "allow" that. You know Don, your input here in the trading threads is interesting and at times informative (and at times completely wrong), but why don't you move this advertisment CR** to your sponsored "Professional Firms" area where those of us that want to talk trading don't have to filter it out. There is nothing informative in this post other than self promotion -- and it isn't just a's an entire freakin' thread!!! JB
I emailed Turok personally to apologize for the last post...I was simply answering about 14 personal emails from various traders about how we handled overnight positions and such. Since many firms are very restrictive, I thought it would help.
>I was simply answering about 14 personal emails >from various traders about how we handled >overnight positions and such. Since many firms >are very restrictive, I thought it would help. More self serving excuses. Just how does it help us here on the trading thread to know your firms policies on overnight positions? That is a *really* valuable little trading tidbit isn't it. What helps is if you answer private emails in private (or at least in the thread catagory where when we venture in we fully expect to be bombarded with shrapnel from the silly commercial firm wars). JB
>Peace and love! I'm all for it candle, but I'm also for people standing up when a great forum such as this is over run by business men selling their wares while chanting "I'm just trying to help". For christs sakes, his 'apology' even came with an advertisement ("Since many firms are very restrictive...") If Don wants a shining example of a commercial person who contributes to this forum in a hugely positive way WITHOUT hype, look no further than Gene. If I ever go hunting for a firm to trade with, I'm hunting that guy down -- he's class. JB
You seem to be a really angry person, I really wish you would lighten up a bit. This is not a big deal....If no one posts to it, then it will fade away... Again, sorry to have had such an impact on you. Hang in there.
>You seem to be a really angry person Read my other 300+ posts and then say that with a straight face Don. Just angry with you for your commercial pollution of the forum. Nothing more, nothing less. JB
If Don wants a shining example of a commercial person who contributes to this forum in a hugely positive way WITHOUT hype, look no further than Gene...he's class. Have to agree with Turok regarding Gene, definitely a class act. Also agree regarding the subtle (and not so subtle) ways Don works promotion of his firm into his posts. I appreciate your input at Elite Don, but please don't assume anyone questioning your tactics is wrong or angry.
Don, I don't want to judge you. Just have the feeling sometimes that "promoting your business" sometimes stands too much in the light I just have to agree with what is being said here about Gene....