Long-term jobless in Calif. tops 900,000

Discussion in 'Economics' started by hippie, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. there are not enough jobs in US that allow one to feed his/her family, pay the insurance, rent, save for retirement, etc.

    there are jobs that allow one to finance some of the above (e.g. pay rent but not eat properly, etc.)
    #21     Jun 22, 2010
  2. Clearly you are retarded. The problem affects all industries as a whole and USA as a whole. It does not matter where the people move. It's shocking that a person can possess such mental limitations. The funny part is that the real bad times have not hit this nation yet.

    Are you really going to try to insult me while collecting on that disability check? All I do is sit around and bitch about how the government is not providing jobs for people? Really? How many threads have I started on the matter? None. This is one of the few times I have even posted on the topic and it is only because of your severely ignorant comments.

    I am doing very well for myself and have long told those close to me of the opportunities I see and have taken advantage of. That does not mean I am a retarded heartless a$$hole who does not see the real economic & social problems of today.

    Yup. I will be laughing when your stupid a$$ gets robbed. Cause unlike most people, you actually deserve it. You really have no clue what survival of the fittest really means.
    #22     Jun 22, 2010
  3. Just an anecdote.
    In a VERY large school dist (over 50K students) just north of Houston, last June there was about 300 sub teachers signed up for the coming school year. By Sept, there were 1600.
    Many of the new subs have degrees, and they're subbing for a living.
    Of course with the new economy, most teachers won't take any days off cuz they're afraid of losing their job, so the vast majority of those subs that are degreed aren't getting any work.
    #23     Jun 22, 2010
  4. Back to my point - no jobs in US? Move. Can't move? Then you are stuck in the same situation. No other alternative. Unless the economy comes roaring back and those lost jobs are created once again. What do you think the odds of that happening in a timely manner are?
    #24     Jun 22, 2010

  5. Starting every post off with an insult is a sure sign of lack of intelligence and severely damages your credibility, by the way.

    So you say the problem is that all industries are affected and the problem is USA as a whole? No jobs in the USA? Move. Don't want to move? Then remain unemployed. Those are your options.
    #25     Jun 22, 2010
  6. Retief


    Another option is start a business and create your own job.
    #26     Jun 22, 2010
  7. where do i move to? the world economies are going down the sh+thole.
    #27     Jun 22, 2010
  8. Also just an anecdote.

    I know a school teacher that had trouble finding work in Michigan. She was also a sub. Despite the long commute, she is now happily employed in Ontario.
    #28     Jun 22, 2010
  9. Retief


    I like Chile. Back in the 70's, Chile took Milton Friedman to heart and reduced the size of government as much as possible As a result, Chile has one of the least indebted governments in the world, and is expecting to have a balanced budget by 2014. It would be balanced now except for the 30 billion unexpected expense due to the quake.

    Canada wouldn't be bad either. Lots of natural resources, they take just about anybody, national health care, and the CAD is becoming one of the world reserve currencies.

    Australia is good, but tough to get in there. Pretty much like Canada, just warmer.

    The real question isn't what to do, it's HOW to do. How to find the energy and the grit and determination to do what needs to be done to get a steady income coming in. Sure it's tough to relocate, retrain, take work that you think is below your station in life, but that's the cards in your hands right now. Either fold, rollover and die, or get your ass off the sofa.
    #29     Jun 22, 2010
  10. loza

    loza Guest

    I was out of work for three years, I had a baby girl, so moving and looking for freelance software gigs was out of the question. All I could do was trying to become an entrepreneur (on the shoestring, as I had no funds topeak of...)
    This, I believe now the only solution for the LT unemployed with some skills...it won't work for everybody and it is not easy. It helps if your spouse is working and has some insurance.
    Home-based Busisness Intelligence Network
    #30     Jun 23, 2010