London post-brexit as a financial center

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by TraDaToR, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. Visaria


    Ah,of course, sounded familiar, but couldn't quite place it, thanks.
    #31     Dec 13, 2018
  2. JSOP


    Free from being dictated to by a regime that they didn't elect or vote for. UK belongs to UK, NOT EU!!
    #32     Dec 13, 2018
  3. luisHK


    The guy must have had over 10 handles already. He can t say too long away from from ET...
    #33     Dec 13, 2018
  4. Total bollocks. The UK and each individual market in the UK has always set its own prices market force driven prices. Nobody in Europe dictated wage levels. UK's income taxes and corporate taxes have always been freely set by the UK government. Nobody in Europe interfered. You should know your facts before you make such assertions. And nobody is afraid of anything surrounding Bexit anymore. It should have become perfectly clear that Europe in its negotiations demands whatever is best for itself. If UK walks aways without a deal then that is fine for Europe too. You make it sound as if Europe has not already moved on. We are tired of the drama queen and bully across the channel and already moved on long time ago. It's just the Brits who are screaming and moaning and kicking. Nobody in Europe cares anymore. In fact a no deal will most likely benefit European cities much more than a deal in that many Japanese and other companies will for sure relocate their bases to Europe. Frankfurt, Paris Berlin and others can't wait for that to happen.

    #34     Dec 13, 2018
  5. JSOP


    The only countries that are still left standing in the EU are the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries and all of them are or were and probably still are considering leaving. LOL
    #35     Dec 13, 2018
  6. Lol, it will hardly make a dent in the overall budget. The headline figures may look large but when broken down over each tax payer it will be a negligible amount. Way worth it given the drama queen finally left the stage and we can move on and focus on our own affairs.

    #36     Dec 13, 2018
  7. JSOP


    Ok so why are you arguing? Let UK exit! LOL
    #37     Dec 13, 2018
  8. You must be joking. Pretty much every trade statistic, happiness poll, tax receipts, housing price statistics, contradict your statements. Typical Europe hater polemics and fake news.

    #38     Dec 13, 2018
  9. Haha, sure, and I bet you also proclaimed Japan bankrupt for the past 25 years. I am reminded how so many of my former American PMs at my previous prop job at an American Bank bet against the Euro straight since 2007. They lost money again and again and again. But then most of them were of Jewish heritage and inherently hated Germany and Europe. Case of letting one's emotions and feelings overrule logic and common sense.

    #39     Dec 13, 2018
  10. Visaria


    "Britain’s gross contribution to the EU’s revenue—after deducting the rebate to arrive at what the UK actually “sends to Brussels,” as opposed to what you might have seen on the side of a red bus—has been of the order of €16bn in recent years, with some €6bn coming back through EU spending in the UK, principally on farm and fisheries support, regional development and research grants. The net UK contribution of around €10bn is the Brexit-sized hole in an EU budget which pays out around €140bn per year.

    Without this €10bn net contribution, either other countries would have to pay more—good luck explaining this to the Swedes, the Dutch or the Danes, let alone the Germans—or the EU would have to scale back its spending, upsetting the central, eastern and southern Europeans."

    Sorry but this may upset you.
    #40     Dec 13, 2018