Logical reasons to choose vegetarianism?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by trader#21, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. BSAM


    Logical reasons to choose vegetarianism?

    Because McCartney is a vegetarian.
    Paul says that if slaughter houses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.
    #11     Dec 13, 2012
  2. Just eat pastured meat and eggs. Dont eat farmed seafood.

    Its going to cost you a lot more, but why should you cell phone bill cost more then you food budget.

    Does it makes sense that you would have to combine certain vegetables to get a complete protein amino acid combo? Being a vegetarian it a modren society luxury, like plumbing, air and television.

    While you are at it, dont consume any vegetable oils, soy, corn, wheat, or sugar.
    #12     Dec 13, 2012
  3. Buddhist monks are vegetarian.
    #13     Dec 13, 2012
  4. So is Ralph from the Dildo Emporium
    #14     Dec 13, 2012
  5. Why all the hostility?

    No one is forcing anyone to do anything. I can see getting hostile about the government forcing dietary preferences on local school boards or Bloomberg banning Big Gulps. I don't get it with something that is purely voluntary.

    The strength argument is total BS in my opinion. I'm sure you could eat a vegan diet that left you deficient, but so will a Big Mac diet. Anyway, the only foolproof way to get really strong is to take steroids. Eithr that or choose your ancestors carefully.
    #15     Dec 13, 2012
  6. Pekelo


    I dunno, maybe because stupid arguments? I mean there are probably some good arguments for being vegetarians, but the OP included some really stupid ones...

    --- Anthropology is sure not on the vegetarians' side and morals are well, morals thus subjective...

    --- Quoting famous people (who are by the way NOT experts on the issue) is rather irrelevant, because I can quote famous people for ANY cause, thus invalidating the argument...

    --- Animal abuse via meat eating is a non-argument, because I could treat my animals wonderfully and STILL eat them. Would the OP be happy about it?

    Anyway, since you asked....
    #16     Dec 13, 2012
  7. lescor


    Sorry, got to call bullshit when I see it. You're saying you can't be really strong without taking steroids? A person taking steroids along with an effective training program will probably get stronger than a non-user on the same plan, true. But taking steroids and NOT training effectively won't get you anywhere. They're not magic pills. Plenty of people who are clean are very strong by any measure.

    Now more on topic- compare a vegan strength athlete with a meat eater and I'll give the meat eater much better odds of being stronger. Not that there aren't strong vegan athletes, just that they are doing it in spite of a bad diet, not because of their diet.
    #17     Dec 13, 2012
  8. BSAM


    If cows and deer were given AR-15s and trained in their use, there would be way more vegetarians.
    #18     Dec 13, 2012
  9. Pekelo


    Does this sentence actually have a meaning? It would only mean meat were more expensive...

    If people who can't make a logical argument were castrated, the Earth would be a much better place. :)
    #19     Dec 13, 2012
  10. BSAM


    Try to think outside of your small box, brother Pek.
    Try to think outside of your small box.
    #20     Dec 13, 2012