Living paycheck to paycheck - must be hard wired

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by nutmeg, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. the inherent issue& problem is if people stop spending, all your savings will be worthless. even a cut back in lavish spending will effect the quality of life for everyone. economic fact.

    #51     Jul 25, 2009
  2. He moved out about 3 months ago, not on good terms but he didn't want to live by my rules which is fine.

    I hear ya but I figured what the heck, I changed my rules. The only one who has to live by my rules is me and most of them were pointless when a kid gets a certain age. My rules were mostly to keep me from getting aggravated, it was easier for me to cope with the kids behaviour than for the kid to change.

    Getting back to trend lovers comment re lessons on paper. I always tell them they must be rich to buy 1 soda at the 7-11 when they can ration a six pack for a few extra cents spent at Wall Mart. They don't care or can't ration.

    You know who collects the cash for the empty cans? Me. I offer it to them BUT they have to take the empties out every day, organize them in the garage. They won't do it.

    Bunch of dopes, so I collect the trash bags full of empties and make them put them into the can collectors at Wall Mart and take the money. They haven't figured out with a bit more daily effort they could keep all the money. lmao.
    #52     Jul 25, 2009
  3. Since when did more money ever fix anything? Money management comes into play here, which unfortunately most younger people never learn till their old and decrepit and it's too late anyways.

    It's like my buddy, he says; "money is meant to be spent, what else is it for?" He makes lots of it, more then me, but he is more broke then me, and more often then not has nothing to show for it. It is a wasteful mentality in his thought process.

    One has to totally rethink their whole thought process, which is usually such a drastic change, they can't even fathom it. I was taught from childhood about saving and spending less then you make, this has taught me a lot. I do see the difference it makes in my livelihood.

    My buddy is learning, but it's slow. like teaching an old dog new tricks.


    P.S Debt is a problem too, another discussion. lol

    #53     Jul 25, 2009
  4. How am I supposed to stop my health insurance from going up 15% a year? Go without it?
    Yea wow why didn’t I think of that? A job with health benefits from a company that’s hiring, yea there’s plenty of those around these days.

    Where were you over the past 30 years when housing prices have advanced well past the rate of wages?
    Nice story but lets stick to the facts. If housing prices are going up 10% a year but incomes are only going up 5%, new home homebuyers are being priced out of the market by 5% a year. Your little Tony Robbins speeches doesn’t overcome simple mathematics.

    <b>People who have perfect credit history are having their credit cards jacked up to 25%. </b>
    If I go to the hospital because I broke my arm and the doctor says it’s going to be $1000 to fix it but I only $500, what should I tell the doctor? Well gee doc, I’m not supposed to borrow money, I only have $500 now, so can you fix half my arm now and I’ll come back when I have the other $500.

    <b>Education costs are rising at more than 7% per year. I can bet you most Americans didn’t get a 7% raise this year.</b>
    Middle class white people don’t get much. You know how I know this? Because when I applied for it when I was 18, they said I don’t qualify for anything. Given your stance on credit cards, why are student loans any different? Debt is debt and student loans are a burden on people. The traditional means of working to pay for college is nearly non existent now due to the incredibly high cost of living.
    #54     Jul 25, 2009
  5. Yes of course there are alternatives. Most of them touted by people like you and most others on ET involve the poor and middle class living with less and less so that a few select people can have more and more.

    I’m surprised to see so many people like you telling the little guy to live with less and then touting the end of the Fed. Don’t you know that they are one in the same? Inflation (printing money) is a defacto tax on the poor and and tax cut on the rich. This is exactly why they are tapping their credit cards, because their wages are not keeping up with inflation. So the question remains unanswered.

    How are people supposed to save and get ahead when their cost of living keeps going up and up, but their incomes remain flat or sometimes even fall?
    #55     Jul 25, 2009
  6. Life is simple.

    There are producers, consumers, and those in the middle.

    We can control where we are in life's food chain.

    There are those who produce more than they consume, they are EVIL and CONSERVATIVE who if they did vote, did NOT vote for Barry. I did not vote by the way and I am obviously not ashamed to say so. I live by what Jack Paar quipped, he never voted, he said because it only encouraged "them" meaning the scumbag politicians who control and populate both political parties.

    There are those who have become the majority that consume more than they produce and they have become objects of expoitation and are given lip service by everyone, particularly retail businesses who try to make the BOTTOM LINE by selling us a bunch of cheap shit made in China that we really do not not need or want much longer than it takes to get it out of the store. They voted for Barry and the media encourages them to be self-indulgent in every way even if it is self-destructive which is fine by the media because their story line is people are too stupid and too weak to be independent and productive. They need more GUBMINT and they need the MEDIA to tell them how to FEEL. Thanks to OUR ROTTEN public school system, it would seem this group is growing exponentially.

    Then there are those who neither are ahead of the game nor are they in the hole. They are very running in place with a rat race whose pace is forever increasing.
    #56     Jul 25, 2009
  7. Everybody think about money differently.But most like to spend
    the minute they get paid.By nature I am a penny pincher love to keep money close to my chest.I hate all those people who want to separate me from my money,my wife top the list.But I live very luxurious life,thanks to my trading.In this country I save the money when I was making $8/hr,and still saving when I do not need to.Those who are lazy and who is looking for instant gratification will never want to save.Americans are the worst spender,and poorest saver in the world
    #57     Jul 25, 2009
  8. ashatet


    Being frugal is not welcomed in this society even though we are almost all broke.

    I was walking in a walmart and there was a lady collecting donation for something, and I stopped by took out my purse and while I am taking some cash out, I asked what was it that she was planning to do.

    I am going to do a cancer awareness and I am planning to raise 2500 for that, and I will walk 60 miles for that. She almost screamed at me, how dare you ask me that, she meant to say to me.

    I gave her something and quickly got into the store. But this seemed wasteful to me, why do we need to pay someone to walk for something that we all know about.

    I go to a restaurant, something that I do not like and I have an entree sitting in front of me that I can bet did not cost more than 3% to make of what they were charging me. It tasted bad and then the guy shows us asking me, "how is everything", and I had to force myself to say "good".

    We all need a major attitude adjustment. Making $10 takes a lot of effort for most people, after factoring the taxes and transportation to work etc., but most people just throw that $10 getting a drink at a bar.

    #58     Jul 26, 2009
  9. ashatet


    Printing money in that respect, becomes a Tax that is not charged from the people directly, something the poor would not have to pay anyways.

    But, rich also lose so much more in their dollar savings and investments. Not to mention, rich buy more and they par more in inflation.

    I have to say, printing money destroys value in the long run.

    #59     Jul 26, 2009
  10. What are you talking about? The poor are the ones most hurt by inflation. They spend 100% of their income, and everything they buy now costs more. They do not make more money to make up for it because wages never keep up with inflation. Plus, even if they did, they would have to pay payroll taxes on the increased wages which would decrease the amount they would use to buy the higher priced goods.

    The rich on the other hand are perfectly hedged and in fact profit from inflation. They own real estate, stocks, and other investments that are the recipients of the higher prices. On top of that, they only pay 15% capital gains on this and they don’t have to pay that until it’s sold so it grows tax deferred.

    There’s a reason the secretive bankers created a central bank, it benefits themselves and the rich. I mean isn’t it a great plan for them? They don’t worry about taking more money from the masses, they just create more of it and then keep it, thus devaluating the purchasing power of the masses.
    #60     Jul 26, 2009