Living by the most important factor in forex trading: Be patient

Discussion in 'Forex' started by fxgator, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. fxgator


    Patience is a very hard feat to overcome especially when you want to reach a goal in your financial stats. However, if you remember the old saying, Good Things Come To Those Who Wait, you will find out that this saying is extremely important when it comes to the currency trading on the market.

    Your forex strategies that you have created need time to work themselves into the process of trading. The market is ever changing. You might find that your strategy will not work on the first few attempts or months of attempts until you hit the jackpot all because you decided to wait it out.

    Patience could be your best friend in helping you to reach the financial goals that you have set out for yourself as well as the success that you have worked very hard towards with the help of your forex strategies.
  2. wrong.



  3. this is very interesting as I was actually just thinking about how frustrated i am for things not coming fast enough for me. Things are moving along, but im still not doing the kind of numbers i want to be doing, its almost like im starting to lose patience, but the good thing is, things are moving along and if i continue, then i will get there soon enough. It could be worse i guess, i could be in a situation where i just was not seeing any success, but that's not the case.

    So bottom line, stay patient and keep doing what im doing. If i dont, i def risk prolonging the pain of not being there, lol.