Live Calls Thread.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by propwarrior, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. I will start.

    long S&P Sept Fut 2475.75 4 point stop. target 2500 minimum

    next post will be brief rules.
    vanzandt likes this.
  2. Rules

    For the sake of argument if you post a live call in this thread please ensure that it has:

    • Direction
    • Name of exchange instrument
    • Stop price
    In addition please ensure:

    • Trade exit is posted live within a minute, scaling out is allowed.
    • No averaging or layering into positions (not saying this style is inferior just that it's hard to track and verify as a 'live call')
    • Real money trades only, no demo, can be as small or large as you like.
    • Post the entry in a timely manner, within a minute
    • No moving stops (special shout out to Gotcha)
    • Be prepared to post up your fills/blotter if challenged, blank out personal info.
    If you can't abide by the above rules then start another thread with your own rules.

    Good Luck.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    Gotcha likes this.
  3. Pekelo


    Also, a quick explanation would be nice why the particular direction. Otherwise it is just a bunch of random trades...
  4. vanzandt


    great idea
  5. vanzandt


    Yeah thats true... but we have the stock and option forums to write thoughts on rationalization. In the heat of the moment one doesn't have time sometimes to write *why*. But it can always be expounded upon later.
    Sir Baron could reopen chat. ;)
  6. Live trades are kind of meaningless, or just half of the equation, also have to consider the equally important part of managing or exiting the trade, o_O

    Positive things can just as equally turn ugly, or negative -- and Vice versa,

    And besides, I personally could care less about following trade journals -- I just want to know the bottom line results over a certain period of time,
    Money Trust likes this.
  7. vanzandt


    CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox are meaningless too.
    But they're entertaining. ;)
    JackRab and MarkBrown like this.
  8. ok I added into the rules that the exit needs to be posted live within 1 minute.
    vanzandt likes this.
  9. To me the thread could be very valuable. If someone makes solid live calls I know they are not a charlatan and I can then ascertain if it's worth paying attention to them. It's a superb bullshit meter imo.
    Gotcha and vanzandt like this.
  10. Gotcha


    Just to re-iterate my position on this, I don't believe that moving stops is bad. It was just in your case with the one example, you said you moved the stop 6 minutes after entry, which was fine, but you only posted that the stop increased from 30 to 60 ticks after price hit what the stop was originally stated to be and this took 30 minutes to happen.

    Moving stops is of course fine, especially if its to protect profits once the trade is going in your direction, but the post should be made in a timely manner, which you of course are addressing in the rules.

    The nice thing about mentioning if a person is moving stops or not is that we can develop a feel for what people are doing. Some keep a firm stop based either on number of ticks or some recent swing point, whereas others might be assessing the price movement minute by minute. It will be interesting to see who does what and how effective it is.
    #10     Jul 25, 2017