Literary Classics and Trading

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by F.-M. Arouet, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. "There are more things in heaven and earth, dear Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    Which in the context of the present fallow and shallow state of ET with respect to trading ideas, could be paraphrased to read:

    "There are more things in trading, dear ET, than are dreamt of in your postings."

    De temps en temps, I shall discuss what I consider some things here undreamt of.

    To commence, kindly due your do diligence and search here on Seiki Shimizu. It won't take you long. And the dearth of results immediately makes my point. When you have done your homework we shall continue. And remember, to be a profitable trader, you must be willing to do the work.

    Examples to follow, depending on interest. The first shall be the following trade:

    short NQ 1794.5 at 11:13:08 ET, cover at 1780.0 at 11:49:36, a panglossian trade, shall we say.
  2. What an idea, FM.
    Do you have any thoughts on Moby Dick and Captain Ahab?
  3. I would not deign to dignify anything American as literature, much less as classic, unless one would consider musical scores to be literature, in which case I would except from my condemnation patriotic music of the third through fourth decades of the last century. But kindly do feel free to contribute any trading lessons you might imagine that you discern in such homoerotic trash as the Melville. And please do help me to stay on-topic, I am going somewhere serious with this, assuming that ET has the wit and self-interest to go there with me. Unlike most ET posters, I am using my real name, which should provide some evidence of good my faith.
  4. Moby Dick summary: Ahab chases whale; Ahab dies.
    Trader summary: Trader chases stock; trader dies.
  5. How apropos! Very clever, OT even, but have you done the work? Have you followed my instructions? They were quite clear. Those who cannot follow the simplest instructions are not worthy of my insights. Such persons are willful and recalcitrant and impudent, pudenda, even, shameful things. I gave you a real trade which I made today. I gave you a research assignment. You have looked at neither. I know you. You are ET writ large. So typical of ET that you cannot even give something away. We haven't even gotten to disputing what I have to say, we are stuck at ignoring it.
  6. I'll bite.
    How did lit. lead you to make that NQ trade?
    Is Pangloss a clue? Didn't he say we should tend our own garden? That was some earthquake in Lisbon -- or was it Madrid, huh?
  7. Thank you for humoring an old man, but I am not yet ready to dispense the trading lesson, ET will have to sit up and beg for it. In any event, the literary reference is two-fold. The Hamlet emphasizes that what I will assert is undreamt of in ET's conventional wisdom because there is a scarce paucity of posts about it here, and it is a trade technique which demonstrably works, at least when applied by an astute trader such as myself. The reference to Seiki leads to one of the grandest works in the trading literature, which I would wager is found only on my own prized trading shelf. ET is functionally illiterate, as can be verified also by the lack of proper obeisance paid here to the work of Richard Shabacker, even though certain posters who allege themselves to be authors in their own right, and who supposedly learned to read and to be trading scholars during Schabacker's time, are utterly ignorant of it.

    Pangloss no doubt wanted to tend Cunegonde's garden, but the reference, which will go over most heads here, was intended as a pre-emptive rebuke to those who doubt that I made such a best of all possible trades.
  8. Gaily bedight, a gallant knight, in sunshine and in shadow
    Journeyed long, singing a song, in search of El Dorado

    First stanza of my favorite poem, Prof. Arouet.
    (yesterday I couldn't spell literate. Now I are one.)

    Please continue elucidating us, unwashed and heathen though some may be.
  9. Absolutely lovely, and OT! Profitability, like Roosevelt's prosperity, is just around the corner, if only someone would give us an indicator telling which way to turn!

    But I see that you have not done the work, either. I am nearing the end of my life, and I seek to pass forward my trading wisdom to those who prove worthy of it by their obeisance and credulity. A trade. A trading reference. Not exactly rocket science. As easy as slaloming down an iceberg. You are not in a good place, like most of the rest of ET. Faites un effort!
  10. The reference was time.
    "journeyed long..."
    You are using fib time retracements because you "seek for El Dorado!"(last words of the poem)
    I assumed one of your superior intellect would get that.
    #10     Mar 30, 2007