Listen to this call

Discussion in 'Politics' started by lindq, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. These days, you pays your money and you gets your degree, by and large. Certainly the value of any liberal arts degree in North America is in question. Individuals can get something out of a B.A but the curriculum and/or the politically correct Bell curve grading system ain't gonna do it for you.

    Soem hard science degrees may still be what they purport to be.

    Having said that, Magna Harvard Law and President of the Law Review means you're a bright spark. Seymour the Plumber (or whatever his name is - not Joe) isn't going to be there anytime soon.

    The call lindq linked to is an indication of desperation. The McCain camp knows full well that they aren't going to be able to turn the tide in the next 14 days by continuing to debate the issues - that debate is done. The damage done by their V.P. pick is done and it's too late to undo it. Their only hope is to attack Obama personally and hope the white vote comes through on the day.
    #31     Oct 16, 2008
  2. It's going to be an interesting ballot, that's for sure.

    It's just a hunch, a gut feeling, but i suspect Mcain will win.

    I don't even have any good reasons why, just a hunch.
    Apart from the Oprah book club vote actually feeling sorry for him, a sense of grandfatherly paternalism among some other voters, and Obama being.....not to black, but to damn THIN, that would make a lot of people uncomfortable about themselves to, in take-out land of joe supposedly six pack.

    Like i said, just a hunch.
    #32     Oct 17, 2008
  3. The maggots infesting McCain's campaign have not only hit a new low with this phone call but they may have also violated MN law:


    The MN statute specifically makes robo calls that are not preceded by a live human operator illegal.

    No human voice preceded the McCain call.
    Now add ILLEGAL ACTS to his lack of bad judgment.

    Other maggots acting for his election have distributed racial material:

    "By David Kelly, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
    October 17, 2008
    A Republican women's club in San Bernardino County sent out a recent newsletter with a photo of Barack Obama surrounded by fried chicken, watermelon and ribs, sparking widespread outrage and rebuke from GOP leaders and Democrats.

    The illustration shows the Democratic presidential candidate's head atop a donkey's body on a bogus $10 bill referred to as "Obama Bucks." Inscribed on the money are the words "United States Food Stamps" surrounded by stereotypical African American food."


    #33     Oct 17, 2008
  4. Oh grow up. your posts remind me of the shit a 14 year old girl would post.

    I recieved an e-mail forward from a Commisioner in Mayor Daley's cabinet (making 125k a year) asking for Obama supporters to make contributions to Planned Parenthood in Palin's name. Did I forward it to the Chicago papers-perhaps I should have-but I'm not a asshole who goes public with every little thing that pisses me off.

    #34     Oct 17, 2008
  5. Dear Asshole,

    I take this to mean you condone violating state law by someone running for the highest office where they will be sworn in to uphold the law?

    Or that using race baiting and condoning by their silence calls for the murder of Obama at their rallies is OK?

    These republican pukes art very bad news and at this point I think they were not born but come out of colestomy bags.

    Respectfully your pissed person of the moment,

    #35     Oct 17, 2008
    #36     Oct 17, 2008
  7. Pabst,

    While it may have been his campaign they were his agents and as leader he may be accountable, though I doubt this doesnt go anywhere.

    What is a "leftests"-couldn't find it in the dictionary?
    #37     Oct 17, 2008
  8. 527 activity is untied to any credible campaign. All it takes is one subpoena and a 527 guy saying "I talked to McCain's people" and indictments start flying around.

    In my Congressional a few right-wing buddies of mine spent 23k on 100,000 recorded calls a couple of days before the election. Because one of them was a lawyer he appropriately kept me out of the loop. The calls/message was a friggin' disaster. Without doubt they COST ME several thousand votes, lol.
    #38     Oct 17, 2008