List of tickers of US stocks

Discussion in 'Trading' started by rickty, Mar 17, 2002.

  1. rickty


    Does anyone know where I can get a list of tickers of
    the top (by capitalization) 5000 to 6000 stocks traded on US

    I know I can get this from the MSN Stock Finder but only in lots of
    100 stocks.

  2. have you tried
  3. There's no such thing as the "TOP" 5000-6000 stocks. Going out that far makes "top" meaningless.

    The market cap of the stocks becomes more or less unimportant after the top 1000 or so stocks.

    Try downloading the list of stocks in the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq-100 - that'll give you a list of 500-600 that pretty much represent the real "top" stocks by market cap. If you want more, you could fill it out by maybe adding the Mid-cap 400 index stocks. If you insist on an even longer list, guess you could then add stocks from some of the other S&P indices or the Russell index stocks.

    After that, the concept of "top" stocks becomes kind of meaningless though.

    The index stock lists are easy to get - either check the S&P, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, etc. sites or do a quick Inet search.
  4. rickty


    There's no such thing as the "TOP" 5000-6000 stocks. Going out that far makes "top" meaningless.

    The market cap of the stocks becomes more or less unimportant after the top 1000 or so stocks.

    Thanks for your reply, although I find it some what quizzical.
    The Frank Russell Company doesn't seem to think that having
    a list of the top (i.e. highest capitalized) 3000 companies is
    meaningless. Take a look at their Russell 3000 list at . My hope was to simply add 2000 or 3000
    more stocks to this list. I'm sure I can do this using the MSN
    Stock Finder which can be made to list about 7000 companies
    ordered by their capitalization. I was hoping to avoid using
    the Finder as it only lists 100 stocks at a time.

  5. Babak


  6. tntneo

    tntneo Moderator

    OK, but then you must specify what 'TOP' is for you !

    of course you can count 3000 stocks. trouble is these stocks won't be actively traded, with low volume they can be useless or dangerous.

    many brokers will offer you 3000 or 4000 stocks to trade with, just to give you an idea that your definition of 'TOP' is really a problem here.

    russell offering index means nothing here. there are indices with 15000 stocks, so what.
    if you want us to help, be more specific and we may understand what you are looking for.
  7. I'll list them for you:

    1. WMT

    Check for #2 tommorrow.

  8. The Russel 2000 is known as a small cap list with a lot of names.
    Archangel hit the nail on the head with his post. This is just too much info you are looking for

    Robert Tharp
  10. rickty


    OK, but then you must specify what 'TOP' is for you !
    Please re-read my posts. I'm looking for the top capitalized

    The Russel 2000 is known as a small cap list with a lot of names.
    I'm not sure why you're refering to the Russell 2000, I mentioned
    the Russell 3000, which are the top 3000 capitalized companies.

    Archangel hit the nail on the head with his post. This is just too much info you are looking for
    I appreciate ArchAngel's and your replies, but I'm still looking
    for a handy list (in electronic form) of about 5000-6000 companies.

    BTW, when I downloaded the list of Russell 3000 companies I found that a number of daily high volume companies were missing. Thus my search for a more complete list. It appears that
    the Russell 3000 list is somewhat dated.

    Thanks for your "help" but according to the MSN Finder the top
    6 companies by capitalization are, in order:
    1) CBD, 2) GE, 3)MSFT, 4) ABV, 5) XOM and 6) WMT

    You won't need to post for the next 6 days :) .

    #10     Mar 18, 2002