LinkedIn Profile

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Port1385, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. LOL!

    You would be surprised just who uses LinkedIn. I personally know individuals on there who are very accomplished & successful.
    #41     Dec 23, 2008
  2. I know there are plenty of Dan Zangers out there, but they are by far the exception and not the rule. Most bedroom traders blow up. Notice how the aliases on ET come and go quite frequently.

    The real way to go is to trade someone else's money. If you blow up the firm's account, then the most you can get is fired and then you move on to a different industry. All the employees of Madoff were all compensated well enough. Even though things blew up, the employees at his firm still walked off with their cash.

    Lehman went bankrupt, but I can assure you that the traders who came out of that firm did not go bankrupt. The top traders at Lehman were compensated millions each year. Even the lowest traders earned well into the six figures. While Lehman no longer exists, those traders are probably on vacation sunning themselves in Brazil with a margarita in one hand and a woman in the other.

    As well, last time I checked, your name isnt Dan Zanger and your performance is of no concern to myself.

    #42     Dec 23, 2008
  3. You can have the last word if you like, obviously that's the best you can do and oh yeah your linkedin profile.

    Linkedin is as good and as as bad as people make it. I know some losers with a great profile, just like there might be some skilled people the thing is that...

    you can write all you want, but when it comes to finance one question always stands:


    It is not even funny to extend my penis with you because you have nothing to show except your opinion.

    And your "real way" to do it is to manage other people money so that you lose nothing after you blow up. Well just because you can not make money by doing some 101 trading does not mean other people can't.

    I do not need to trade anyone money, I have mine however if one of us one day has a shot at trading other people money who is it going to be ?

    You with your online profile or someone with a real performance that can be verified ?

    My perfomance is of no concern for you because you like most of the people on Elite Trader are only good at talking about finance.

    Your resume is over 1200 posts, impressive.

    In your delusional mind you forget that either you make money or you don't, who cares if one trades from an office , from a mountain cabin or from Timbuktu.

    I am on ET for entertainment, and I will be back, now if you excuse me I am gonna sell some naked puts. That's what I do strategic option selling it is all from my home, but it is as real as it can be and it is great. I have been doing it for years.

    So I am gonna place some trades and do my best to make some money while you write 100 more posts.

    #43     Dec 23, 2008
  4. I guess your final exams are over by now...

    #44     Dec 23, 2008
  5. Loki


    guy990opl you have a point.

    I have a friend on LinkeIn and his profile looks a little too good, but what is he supposed to do ?

    If he could make good money in the markets he would let someone else deal with all the networking bs.
    #45     Dec 23, 2008

    Second arrest announced in fraud case
    Tuesday December 23, 10:21 am ET
    By Larry Neumeister, Associated Press Writer
    Securities broker charged in fraudulent sale of securities to hedge funds

    NEW YORK (AP) -- Prosecutors have announced a second arrest in the fraud case facing a prominent Manhattan lawyer accused of duping hedge funds into making bogus investments.
    Broker Kosta Kovachev was charged Tuesday with wire fraud in a criminal complaint unsealed in federal court in Manhattan. It was not immediately clear who will represent him in court.

    The complaint accused Kovachev of posing as the comptroller for a developer whose offices were used to convince a hedge fund to buy a worthless investment.

    Earlier this month, lawyer Marc Dreier was accused of causing losses of at least $380 million by scamming hedge funds into buying the worthless securities.

    As the head of Dreier LLP, Dreier commanded more than 200 attorneys.

    He remains jailed without bail
    #46     Dec 23, 2008
  7. I know that marketsurfer cant be more then say 25 years old. If you have ever hired or interviewed someone, then you would know that what is usually said in the resume or at the interview is false.

    Usually, candidates, especially males, like to play themselves up. You have to do due diligence on everyone you do business with, interview and manage. You have to test people. Never accept what you see at face value.

    Most of the time people lie and the lies usually come out during the worst of times...

    #47     Dec 23, 2008
  8. Good news!! We're more compatible than I thought!
    #48     Dec 23, 2008


    Actually there are plenty of traders who trade from their home. I've been trading 12 1/2 years, with 10 years remote from my house. There's a lot you apparently don't "get" regarding trading. I did trade at an office back in the mid to late 90's. And that meant I had to drive to/from that office each day. That takes time. I was smart enough to realize that I could trade equally effective (i.e. profitable) from home. So why waste time each day commuting?

    Who cares about a trader at Goldman or Morgan Stanley? He trades $$$ just as I do. Sure he has more to trade with. So what. I'm not interested in having the most $$$ to trade with nor in maximizing what I earn from trading. You see I have a life, which means outside interests. I enjoy the freedom of being about to go running 6 miles whenever I choose, even during market hours. I enjoy being able to go relax at the beach. And I really enjoy going to work with troubled kids after school. Does your trader from Goldman have those "freedoms"? I thought not ....

    As for you I would encourage you to continue to obsess about LinkedIn profiles and such. Some people trade while others post all day.
    #49     Dec 23, 2008
  10. You have no insurance and might just end up like this guy one day.

    I dont consider sitting in a bedroom or any room of a residence 8+ hours a day with no one to talk to a satisfactory way to live.

    Going to an office each day is not the end of the world and, if you are social, its quite enjoyable having real people to talk to and challenges to face.

    I trade all the time, but I dont look at monitors 24/7 in little rooms of houses in the midwest talking to myself.

    In my experience, your "freedoms" only lead to death. Sitting in a house all day long with no one to speak with and nothing to think about but a chart. Thats not a way to live, no life to that. You meet people by being out and about. You make contacts and friends. When you retire, you die.

    As well, I can post on the internet perfectly well while monitoring my position. My only position right now is shorting the ES which I am about 50 handles up in profit by the way in 5 days. Maybe you can do better...

    Real traders enjoy what they do. I consider it fun to be on a large trading floor. There is lots of action, lots of comradery and an overall exciting place. Im not stressed by it, it gives me energy.

    If what gives you energy is sitting in a small bedroom, jogging around the block and then throwing a lollipop in your daughter's mouth then more power to you. I love the dynamics of the trading floor.

    It sounds like to me that you dont enjoy work in general and are just lazy. What an example you set for your kids. I wouldnt want my kids to view me as this guy who sits around all day and enjoys being lazy. I also wouldnt want my kids to watch me rob a bank or a get arrested as I blew out my IB account. I'd rather just blow out a firm's account then my own.

    #50     Dec 23, 2008