Linear regression function for excel

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by kalzayani, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. made this function for u guys...
    sort of explained

    Function LinearRegression(VarInputRange As Range, DateInputRange As Range, iTemList As Variant) As Variant

    ' This function is writen by Khalid Alzayani
    ' returns the Regression parameter from InputRange to regress with DateInputRange
    ' select the desired target range for the function and
    ' enter as an array function with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
    ' a is the constant, b is the slope
    ' mse is error
    ReDim iTemList(4) As Variant

    b = (Application.SumProduct(VarInputRange, DateInputRange) - Application.Sum(VarInputRange) * Application.Sum(DateInputRange) / Application.Count(DateInputRange)) / (Application.SumProduct(DateInputRange, DateInputRange) - Application.Sum(DateInputRange) ^ 2 / Application.Count(DateInputRange))
    a = Application.Average(VarInputRange) - b * Application.Average(DateInputRange)
    SSy = (Application.SumProduct(VarInputRange, VarInputRange) - Application.Sum(VarInputRange) ^ 2 / Application.Count(VarInputRange))
    SSxy = (Application.SumProduct(VarInputRange, DateInputRange) - (Application.Sum(VarInputRange) * Application.Sum(DateInputRange)) / Application.Count(DateInputRange))
    SSx = (Application.SumProduct(DateInputRange, DateInputRange) - Application.Sum(DateInputRange) ^ 2 / Application.Count(DateInputRange))

    mse = ((SSy - b * SSxy) / Application.Count(DateInputRange)) ^ 0.5

    iTemList(2) = mse ' sqr root of Mean squared error around the Line
    iTemList(1) = b
    iTemList(0) = a
    LinearRegression = iTemList

    '============== Copy all this into a macro in excel
    ' by going to macros and just creat any name and copy this over the whole thing in VBA Editor
    ' Then just to insert function and go to user defined

    End Function