Like a dog chasing it's tail.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by John_Wensink, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. Muslims antagonize Isreal.
    Isreal issues a warning
    Muslims say we will unleash hell or your streets will run with blood.
    Isreal responds and humiliates arabs.
    World says Isreal used to much force.

    wash, rinse and repeat.
  2. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.
  3. the record set straight once and for all:

       /ɪnˈsænɪti/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-san-i-tee] Show IPA Pronunciation
    –noun, plural -ties.
    1. the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind.
    2. Law. such unsoundness of mind as affects legal responsibility or capacity.
    3. Psychiatry. (formerly) psychosis.
    4. extreme folly; senselessness; foolhardiness.
  4. Grammar Nazi. I meant to say an example of insanity. I am gald you feel like you contribute something to the forum when you correct things though. I get that little warmth in my heart too when i find grammar mistakes people make on these forums. It's like a natural high basically.
  5. insanity is not expecting the same result....

    even though I've heard that claim literallly, (or is that figuratively), a trillion times

    as for the topic of this thread ... who amongst us truly understands hate?
  6. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.
    I think that is an Einstein quote.
  7. I know. It's doing the same THING and expecting different results.

    That would be an example of insanity, not a definition.

    I would say many individuals understand and have experienced the concept of hate. The concept being the stealing of property or the hurting of loved ones.

    Do you think these two countries qualify for the concept of hate?
  8. Yes it is.
  9. "hate" .. fuck hate ... we are talking about insanity
  10. :confused:
    #10     Dec 28, 2008