light volume

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by happy trading, Apr 13, 2021.

  1. i noticed that recently the volume on the indexes have been extremely light. is there a cause for this? and does this signify anything?
  2. NoahA


    I think the guys who use volume analysis would say this move is suspicious. There is supposedly a lack of participation in this move. And yet, it keeps grinding higher.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  3. %%
    QQQ,spxl volume is abit lite\below 50dma volume;
    but on a 52 week chart price + volume is still going up .
    QQQ had a >577,777,777 week @ $176area but i seldom see vol that
    I sold spyg longs + its still going up /thats life.....................................................................
  4. interdim


    Bought cheap 411 puts on the SPY today. Looking for a swing low by Friday. I'll be out either way by then.
  5. Nine_Ender


    We heard a lot of this low volume stuff in the early years of the bull; often it's the best bull move slow and steady. I can't imagine the traders who are constantly trying to short US indexes the kind of torture of a day they face over and over again recently.
    murray t turtle likes this.

  6. CAUTION: SPY also has options that expire Wednesday.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  7. %%
    Some shorts may do well;
    takes all kinds to make a herd, short horns+ TX long horns/LOL:caution::caution:
    I like an elephant trunk sell signal on aweekly chart/seldom see that.....................................................
  8. interdim


    Let me clarify...I bought Friday expiration 411 puts. I do not ever consider volume in any of my trades, could careless what volume indicates heavy or light. If we get a swing low and I double my money I cover. I am not trying to call a top or bottom. If I lose every dime in these options it will be chump change, it won't change anything that I do.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. %%
    3rd friday week in APR tends to be bullish[SPY,QQQ.......]
    NOT a prediction
    vanzandt likes this.
  10. interdim


    I bought these put options off of a 90MIN forecast. The trade was so sluggish that I covered
    when we hit the bottom channel again. You need a special forecast to really make any kind of money. So I am out with a small gain. Maybe it will follow through to the downside more but not without the trend traders scooping it up at a cheaper price along the way.

    #10     Apr 14, 2021