Liberals of ET, I would like you to meet Rick

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    So you're against Ron Paul too?
    #31     Jul 11, 2011
  2. What is his plan to start bringing indictments against those that caused this crisis? During S&L over 1000 people went to prison. That was a pimple on the ass of what happened during 2008, yet to date not a single person is being held to account. Until justice is done all other ideas are non-starters with me. Free money for everyone until justice is done. I don't care if people collect unemployment for 99 weeks or 99 years. I don't care how much money is given to failed auto companies. I don't care how many mortgages are forgiven. I have said it all along and I'll continue to say it. If the thieves that brought this economic crisis upon us get a free pass AND free money to backstop their casino mentality, then fuck it, everyone else get's free money too. I want heads on spikes and I'll vote for the person with the balls to do just that. Otherwise, to hell with it. I have no time or interest in participating in this scam election that pretends to give choice where there is no real choice at all.
    #32     Jul 11, 2011
  3. piezoe


    The problem is not what's spent, but what's bought.
    #33     Jan 6, 2015
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    The forum necromancer, Piezoe, strikes again.
    #34     Jan 6, 2015
  5. LOL
    #35     Jan 6, 2015
  6. Just as the Founders said and the Constitution infers.
    #36     Jan 6, 2015
  7. piezoe


    Maverick, I hope you're not speaking for yourself when you say, "republicans are not saying government is the problem, they are saying "big government" is the problem." ... because this is the kind of statement that is characteristic of the intellectual bankruptcy of the Republican party. There is a palpable anti-intellectual mindset dominating the Republican party. (The party might benefit from more theoretical mathematicians and fewer business majors ;). Please don't, however, interpret my remark as implying that democrats are composed mainly of former whiz kids.)

    Big government is not the problem, bad, inefficient government is. But that, in turn, is a natural result of an obsolescent Constitution that allows it, and a Court that has chosen to interpret the Constitution rather freely, while claiming not to; but, nevertheless, very much in the spirit of the Founding Fathers intentions when they created their own country out of land that morally did not belonged to them. If you have open, efficient government, an appropriate government size will result..

    A problem poorly defined won't be fixed. The kind of thinking exhibited by the statement "big government is the problem" is the kind of weak thinking that results in, for example, an across the board sequester of government funds.

    If problem 'B' is caused by 'A', you can't fix 'B' until you fix 'A'. We waste government resources attempting, unsuccessfully of course, to fix 'B' while ignoring 'A', or not even having bothered to identify 'A'. (I have bored you enough at this point, so I'll spare you the list of 'A's and 'B's. And be glad I avoided entirely an explanation for why we don't do anything about the 'A's, even when we have identified them.)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
    #37     Jan 6, 2015
  8. dbphoenix


    It's unlikely Maverick will see this. It's over three years old.
    #38     Jan 6, 2015
  9. piezoe


    I'm thinking Baron's very nice, new software will alert him to his having been quoted. Perhaps not. You saw it in any case. What is your opinion? Obviously I did not post it solely for Maverick's benefit. The thread is very much alive, having just been snoozing for a while..
    #39     Jan 6, 2015
  10. jem


    the constitution does not allow it.

    The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791.[1] It expresses the principle of federalism, which undergirds the entire plan of the original Constitution, by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the states or the people. The framers of this amendment had two purposes in mind when they drafted it. The first was a necessary rule of construction. The second was to reaffirm the nature of the federal system.[2]

    from wikipedia

    and republicans are not anti intellectual there are anti Gruber and Krugman types.
    big govt shills with dished out b.s. bona fides.

    Real intellects making intelligent statements are still respected by the vast majority of republicans.

    After all the tea party is a highly educated group according to the NY times poll.

    Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated

    Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
    #40     Jan 6, 2015