Liberals have won, we are done

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mav88, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. Yannis


    IMAO: Insanity

    "Since the numerous defeats faced by Republican candidates, there are some cries about moving the party further to the middle which of course means further to the left. Because that’s really been working well so far.

    That’s a bit like saying, “Y’know, I keep getting all these burns on my skin sitting in this frying pan. What to do do, what to do? I know! I’ll pour cold gasoline on my head and jump into the fire!”

    It’s time to get out of the frying pan and put the fire out by embracing the conservative core concepts:

    Free Markets,
    Free People

    Because if we keep trying to be Donkey-Lite, we’ll just keep on being Weak-Ass."

    :) :) :)
    #31     Nov 14, 2008
  2. Yannis


    IMAO: Even Newer Symbol for the GOP

    "I usually don’t read any of your comments, as you are all very annoying and stupid and I am a very busy man, but I thought this one from cptmoroni responding to my idea of putting rocket launchers on elephants was worthwhile:

    Elephants are the minions of Satan. Elephants make monkeys look like choirboys, Frank. A better symbol for the New Republican Party and the Republican Underground is a Grizzly Bear carrying shoulder mounted flame throwers and a chain saw.

    You know, the elephant symbol was just forced upon the GOP by some cartoonist (they’re always so power mad), but what if we picked our own symbol?


    * A dinosaur with rocket launchers on it.

    * A robot with gattling guns for arms.

    * A nuclear explosion.

    * A nuclear explosion on the moon.

    * Batman.

    * One of those sand worms from Dune.

    * Guns. Lots of guns.

    * That creature from Cloverfield.

    * A hippie getting punched in his dumb monkey face.

    * A pile of dead terrorists.

    * Fire.

    * Mr. T.

    Just some ideas off the top of my head..."
    #32     Nov 17, 2008