Liberals are really starting to piss me off

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aphexcoil, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. Cuba is a human rights issue, they just don't have the second largest reserve of crude oil.

    #21     Apr 19, 2004
  2. oh yeah, Cuba also doesnt have a WMD program that they have previously used on their own people.. also, they arent supporting islamic baby murdering jihad against the peaceful country Israel.. also, i was thinking Cuba might not have the rape/torture rooms.. and Cuba might not be in violation of numerous UN sanctions from trade to weapons.. and i didnt see Cubans dancing in the street on 9-11.. but Iraq had some gleeful comments to make.. and considering Salmon Pak training facility, Id say they are lucky we didnt nuke them..

    and since you point it out, interesting how you always hear about Cubans putting 5 people on a little life preserver to try their luck against the ocean for the chance to live in America.. however, the reverse is not true.. you dont hear about liberals crowding on a life preserver to sail down for the greener pastures of Cuba.. odd..

    #22     Apr 19, 2004
  3. BSAM


    ART.....ART......ART.....Wake up. Get up off the mat. You're gonna be O.K. Here, splash a little water on your face. Gather your thoughts.

    Oh, excuse me folks. ART has just been knocked completely out by qwiktrade. I'm just trying to get him back on his feet.

    Standby, he'll come to, in just a bit.:D
    #23     Apr 19, 2004
  4. Ahhh, so Iraq was mostly about the WMD we didn't find? Are you sure that is the case you really want to be making?

    "you dont hear about liberals crowding on a life preserver to sail down for the greener pastures of Cuba.. odd.."

    Is there a point here?

    #24     Apr 19, 2004
  5. Don't hand me that shit, ART. The United States Constitution doesn't have to have a directive within it stating that we are allowed to pursue the principles of a manifest destiny. If you are so secure in your standing as a U.S. citizen, you realize that, by and far, we live in a very structured and organized society. We have problems such as crime, homelessness and occasional internal extremists who feel it their duty to blow shit up to make a point, but by and far the civilization we enjoy right now is practically unparalleled throughout history.

    We have laws and rules of engagement that we follow. We do what needs to be done to get shit done -- that's what a powerful empire is supposed to do.

    Who are you to sit around and conveniently enjoy the fruits of laboring from centuries of imperialism while spouting off some rhetoric about how we are wrong to keep our country secure and stabilized from aggressors and natural resource shortages? Like it or not, we need oil. It may not be the sole reason we are there, but a lot of this has to do with the fabric of the world economy.

    You can bet that if we go, Europe won't be far behind and then the rest of the world will follow. The global economy is propped up and supported on the shoulders of the United States of America. If you take that pillar out, you'll start a cascading effect that will send much of the world back into barbarism. That's why it goes beyond national security -- this is world security and the only way we can achieve that goal is to inject our presence in "sensitive" areas throughout the world and make sure the world doesn't get f***ed by extreme select arab nations.

    Let’s talk about early American foreign policy of non-intervention and isolationism. You know, American isolationism didn’t work out too well when Hitler was hop-scotching around the whole of Europe in the late 30’s and early 40’s, starting with Poland. The pacifist government of 1941 didn’t work out too well for a lot of people in Pearl Harbor when we got catapulted into a full-fledged global war.

    Time and time again, when a potential global crisis erupted, the United States has been there to stabilize and regulate entire countries. We haven’t always been the best of guys while doing so, but what needed to be done got done.

    Your comments, ART?
    #25     Apr 20, 2004
  6. You are now preaching "manifest destiny?"

    Our "civilization" is technologically more advanced than other great societies, but given the level of corruption in all of our institutions I would not rank our civilization among the most moral, and therefore not the greatest.

    We have rules that are broken incessantly to advance our agenda, and as such that places the rule of "the end justifies the means" at the top of the list.

    Who am I to criticize our society? A member who would like us to return to a less corrupt society.

    You seem to think our society will survive due to our technological and military superiority.

    Study history. The mantle of power that has moved across the globe, that currently resides in the U.S. will leave us soon if we don't have a foundation of purity, which we sorely lack. We espouse "Christian" values, while we as a society are fat, self centered, seeking the wealth of this world.

    A "Christian" society without the present and living values of honesty, morality, and humility will absolutely fail.

    On a purely political level, do some research on the theory of hegemony and see into our future as you look back to the past:

    "The historical record shows that in the real world, hegemony never has been a winning grand strategy. The reason is simple: The primary aim of states in international politics is to survive and maintain their sovereignty. And when one state becomes too powerful - becomes a hegemon - the imbalance of power in its favor is a menace to the security of all other states. So throughout modern international political history, the rise of a would-be hegemon always has triggered the formation of counter-hegemonic alliances by other states."

    As far a needing oil chew on this:

    1. Since the oil embargo in the 70's, what exactly have we done as a society to make ourselves independent of Middle East oil.

    2. Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden's homeland, cranks out most of the oil we use in the world.

    Crude oil prices have risen since Bush came into power, nearly a 50% increase in value.

    They are making billions and billions of dollars more each day than they made prior to Bush's coronation.

    Who really is profiting from our imperialism?


    Aphie, I know you are young, and you are trying on differnet hats as you grow, but which hat do you really want to end up wearing?

    One that makes you imperialistic by nature, or one that makes you more humane?

    #26     Apr 20, 2004
  7. DART this you god luber.
    #27     Apr 20, 2004
  8. Oh.

    :confused: :confused:

    Aphie, take a few deep breaths, read the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

    Read ART's last post.

    Most importantly, get laid. You seem to need that badly.

    You need a piece to have a little internal....


    #28     Apr 20, 2004
  9. You kidding me?! An obnoxious prick with the balls to always speak his mind gets laid like a rock star! Trust me on this one. :D

    It's the sensitive, caring guy that has to go home frustrated and beat his dick like it owes him money. Girls only want to be his 'friend'. Ask Hitman.
    #29     Apr 20, 2004

  10. Too funny!!!!!

    #30     Apr 20, 2004